Andrew Jackson Question Preview (ID: 49605)

Andrew Jackson Review. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What does the term Nullify mean?
a) to answer
b) to void or cancel
c) to produce
d) to end

What does the term suffrage mean?
a) to promote
b) to vote
c) to nullify
d) to accept

Which political party is most associated with Andrew Jackson?
a) Whig
b) Republican
c) Federalists
d) Democratic

How did Andrew Jackson change voter participation?
a) gave legal papers to vote
b) only the rich could vote
c) remove property rights
d) removed women to vote

What was the primary question surrounding the Nullification Crisis?
a) follow all federal laws
b) State rights
c) interstate commerce
d) none of the above

What was one result of the election of Andrew Jackson in 1828?
a) Renewal of the charter of the Bank of the United States
b) Elimination of the spoils system
c) Ratification of the 15th Amendment
d) Increased levels of voter participation

During the 1830's public servants and officials were widely perceived to be unqualified. What practice reinforced that perception?
a) The public voting for candidates based on religious affiliations
b) President rewarding political supporters with appointments to desirable positions
c) The federal government recruiting volunteers to serve aboard as ambassadors
d) Legislators awarding government contracts to the lowest bidders

How did the Supreme Court decision in Worcester v Georgia affect American Indians?
a) The ruling gave the state authority over relation with American Indians
b) The state ignored the ruling and distributed Cherokee lands to white settlers
c) More American Indian tribes decided to grant licenses to missionaries to live on tribal lands
d) Reservation policies were overturned and replaced with land grants to individuals

Name the Trail in which many Native Americans were relocated?
a) Trail of ears
b) Long dusty trail
c) Trail of Tears
d) Long lonesome trail

Name the state where Native Americans relocated to?
a) South Carolina
b) North Dakota
c) Texas
d) Oklahoma

How did Andrew Jackson react to the courts ruling of Worcester v Georgia?
a) He ignored it
b) He followed all laws
c) He enforced the law
d) none of the above

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