HTR Lesson #3 Question Preview (ID: 49600)

Lesson #3 Review. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Trophy means:
a) Pain
b) Head
c) Upon
d) Development

Lithotripsy means:
a) Crushing up a stone
b) Removal of a stone
c) Using water on a stone
d) Suturing up a stone

Supracostal means:
a) Below the rib
b) Above the cartilage
c) Above the rib
d) Below the cartilage

Mastectomy is:
a) Removal of brest
b) Surgical incision of breast
c) To make an opening into breast
d) Binding of breast

Epidermis means:
a) Upon a tooth
b) Upon the skin
c) Upon a tongue
d) None of the above

Hypoglossal means
a) Above the tongue
b) Below the strap
c) Below the tongue
d) Above the strap

Arthrodesis means:
a) Removal of a joint
b) Surgical repair of a joint
c) Plastic surgery on a joint
d) Binding of a joint

Encephal means
a) Outside the brain
b) Inside the brain
c) Inside a cancer
d) Pertaining to the brain

Costal means:
a) Pertaining to the rib
b) Pertaining to the tooth
c) Surgical fusion of a joint
d) Done of the above

Autoplasty means
a) Plastic surgery on bladder
b) Surgical repair of tongue
c) Pertaining to the extremities of self
d) Surgical repair of self

Hemopenia is:
a) Record of blood
b) Decrease in blood cells
c) Rubbing of an stones
d) Any condition of rubbing

Gen means:
a) Original, production
b) Rub, friction
c) Break, burst
d) Record

Carcin means:
a) Rib
b) Break, burst
c) Rub, friction
d) Cancer

Gram means:
a) Break, burst
b) Decrease
c) To record
d) Binding

The word for backwards is:
a) Retro
b) Gen
c) Cost
d) Mani

Dyn means:
a) Head
b) Pain
c) Upon
d) Self

Hydro is:
a) Disease
b) Water
c) Joint
d) Air

The element for suture is:
a) Dyn
b) Rrhapy
c) Ptosis
d) Glosso

The element for Falling is:
a) Ptosis
b) Rrhaphy
c) Auto
d) Trophy

The element for above is:
a) Retr(o)
b) Epi
c) Hypo
d) Supra

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