Einstein's Big Idea Question Preview (ID: 49599)

Questions From The Film. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Humphry Davy used to inhale this gas to get high.
a) Dinitrogen monoxide
b) Carbon monoxide
c) Nitrous oxide
d) Peroxide

Antoine Lavoisier is credited with discovering the Law of
a) Definite Proportions
b) Multiple Proportions
c) Conservation of Mass
d) Gravity

Michael Faraday was laughed at because
a) he said that invisible light was coming from electromagnetic interactions.
b) he had attended Oxford rather than Cambridge.
c) he had a speech impediment.
d) he was rich.

Antoine Lavoisier had a wall constructed around Paris to
a) keep out the British.
b) prevent the black plague from spreading.
c) keep prisoners from escaping.
d) tax everything that came through the gates.

Light travels at _________ million miles per hour.
a) 220
b) 186,000
c) 670
d) 12,000

Emile Du Chatelet thought that the energy of a moving object should be expressed as mass x velocity
a) squared
b) cubed
c) minus the square root
d) x pi

Einstein said that as an object approaches the speed of light, ___________ slows down.
a) electrons
b) magnetism
c) sound
d) time

Lise Meitner was attempting to make a uranium atom larger, by adding a
a) proton
b) electron
c) nuetron
d) quark

The effort to build an atomic bomb was called The _____________________ Project.
a) Atomic
b) Manhattan
c) Big Bang
d) World War II

Einstein's most famous equation is
a) a squared + b squared = c squared
b) F=ma
c) E=mc squared
d) the rule of 76

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