Unit 4 Review Question Preview (ID: 49586)

Unit 4 Review. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Another name for the Transatlantic Slave Trade, also called the Triangular Trade route between the New World and the Old World was the ___________
a) Columbian Exchange
b) Triangle Trade
c) New World Switch
d) Old World Trading Company

Because of colonization of the New World by European explorers, the official language of Brazil is ________.
a) Portuguese
b) Spanish
c) German
d) African Dialects

Because of colonization of the New World by European explorers, the main religion of Latin America is the ______.
a) Judaism Religion
b) Muslim Religion
c) Catholic Religion
d) Christianity Religion

______ were the two agricultural products the Spanish and Portuguese needed slaves for in the New World, especially in Brazil and Cuba.
a) Bananas and Oranges
b) Coffee and Oranges
c) Coffee and Sugar Cane
d) Potatoes and Tomatoes

___ languages are a direct result of Spanish colonization of Latin America.
a) African Dialects and Spanish
b) Spanish and German
c) Portuguese and African Dialects
d) Portuguese and Spanish

Why do most Mexicans live in urban areas?
a) There are more jobs in the factories and businesses in the cities.
b) Most people don't like living in rural areas.
c) They want to live close to other family and friends.
d) There very few jobs in rural areas.

The city of _ is a manufacturing center located on the Gulf of Mexico and it is also surrounded by land used for commercial farming.
a) Veracruz, Mexico
b) Mexico City, Mexico
c) Havana, Cuba
d) Rio de Janiero, Brazil

Deforestation increases when the value of crops and cattle go up because ____.
a) people think the can make more money selling crops and cattle.
b) people don't want to sell the same crops anymore.
c) people want to have more trees in their environment.
d) the value of crops always stays the same when this happens.

Most people live in urban areas along the eastern coast of Brazil because ___.
a) there are more industries there.
b) more people can trade items.
c) less people have jobs in this area.
d) everyone wants to live in a big city.

One of the largest environmental issues faced around Mexico City is ________ due to the extremely high population.
a) air pollution
b) littering
c) deforestation
d) acid rain

Many people have settled in central Mexico instead of the eastern or western portions of the country because of the __________.
a) Sierra Madre Mountains
b) Andes Mountains
c) Gulf of Mexico
d) Panama Canal

_____ was built in Central America in 1914 to create a water way from the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean (via the Caribbean Sea).
a) Panama Canal
b) Caribbean Sea
c) Gulf of Mexico
d) Atacama Desert

_____________ this has the MOST influence on Latin American climates.
a) The many different latitudes in Latin America
b) The many different longitude of Latin America
c) the amount of countries
d) the amount of different people that live there

The Amazon River flows from ______________ in north South America.
a) west to east.
b) south to north.
c) north to east.
d) west to south.

______________ is the most concerning issue of the Amazon Rainforest.
a) deforestation
b) acid rain
c) air pollution
d) pollution

The MAIN reason for the deforestation of the Amazon Rainforest is for ____________
a) farmland for crops and raise livestock.
b) mining.
c) new trees are being planted every day.
d) diamond hunting.

One impact of the African slave trade was the _____.
a) lack of new religions being spread into new countries.
b) settlers claiming territories.
c) new products being traded.
d) blending of ethnic groups in Latin America.

In 1698 most of the West African slaves _____ in the New World.
a) settled down and had families of their own
b) farmed crops and sold them in markets
c) worked on plantations
d) started new businesses

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