Chemical Processes Vocabulary Game Question Preview (ID: 49582)

Students Will Be Quizzed Over The Vocabulary From The Chemical Processes Section Of This Unit. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

The process of cleaning something, especially with a chemical, in order to destroy bacteria.
a) Sterilization
b) Disinfection
c) Antiseptic
d) Physical Agent

A source of energy that may cause injury or disease.
a) Physical Agent
b) Static
c) Cidal
d) Disinfectant

A chemical liquid that destroys bacteria.
a) Disinfection
b) Disinfectant
c) Sterilization
d) Physical Agent

Relating to or denoting substances that prevent the growth of disease-causing microorganisms.
a) Disinfectant
b) Sterilization
c) Physical Agent
d) Antiseptic

The process of making something free from bacteria or other living microorganisms.
a) Disinfectant
b) Disinfection
c) Sterilization
d) Antiseptic

An antibiotic that prevents the organism from multiplying but it is the patient's own immune system which kills off the bacteria and leads to recovery from the infection.
a) Static
b) Cidal
c) Disinfectant
d) Antiseptic

An antibiotic that kills bacteria without reliance on the patient's immune system to help.
a) Static
b) Cidal
c) Disinfectant
d) Physical Agent

A medicine that inhibits the growth of or destroys microorganisms.
a) Cidal
b) Static
c) Antibiotic
d) Disinfectant

Antimicrobial agents of synthetic origin useful in the treatment of microbial or viral disease.
a) Chemotherapeutic Synthetic Drug
b) Static
c) Sterilization
d) Physical Agent

Any antibiotic that is active against a wide range of bacteria, especially against both gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria.
a) Narrow spectrum antibiotics
b) Broad spectrum antibiotics
c) Disinfectant
d) Antiseptic

Antibiotics that are effective against only a limited range of organisms.
a) Selective toxicity
b) Static
c) Broad spectrum antibiotic
d) Narrow spectrum antibiotic

The ability of a drug to target sites that are relatively specific to the microorganism responsible for the infection being treated.
a) Broad spectrum antibiotics
b) Selective toxicity
c) Cidal
d) Sterilization

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