Unit 5 Assessment Review 1 Question Preview (ID: 49569)

These Questions Are From The Unit 5 Review 1. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

When a person refuses to purchase a good or service to protest
a) delegate
b) proclamation
c) protest
d) boycott

Which of these was an outcome of the French and Indian War?
a) British territory reduced
b) France defeated Great Britain
c) The British went deeply in debt
d) Relations between colonists and Great Britain improved

What was the purpose of the Proclamation of 1763?
a) to protect the colonies
b) to punish settlers
c) to make money for the war
d) to reward the American Indians

Which part of the British government passed acts?
a) the royal family
b) Parliament
c) british congress
d) house of burgesses

Which of these laws made colonists provide British soldiers with food and a home?
a) The stamp act
b) the coercive acts
c) the quartering act
d) the proclamation of 1763

How did the colonists react to the stamp act?
a) they ignored it
b) they considered it fair
c) they protested it
d) they disliked it, but did nothing

What did the colonists call the laws that were passed to punish them after the Boston Tea Party?
a) The boston massacre
b) the intolerable acts
c) the quartering act
d) the stamp act

What was the First Continental Congress?
a) the laws passed against colonies
b) the meeting of delegates from 12 colonies
c) the lawmakers of the British Governmentq
d) the treaty between different colonists

Which two groups were fighting against each other in the French and Indian War?
a) France against Great Britain
b) France against Spain
c) France against the American Indians
d) Great Britain against the American Indians

What were the two sides fighting over in the French and Indian War?
a) territory in Canada
b) land in the Ohio River Valley
c) Control over the 13 colonies
d) the vast area known as Louisiana

Why did the British Parliament pass the Quartering Act?
a) to raise money for the kings birthday party
b) to make colonists provide a place for British soldiers
c) the close Boston harbor
d) to give American Indians their own land for them to farm on

The colonists react strongly against the Stamp Act because they
a) had no say in making the law
b) felt it affected the churches power
c) worried it would raise their taxes
d) did not know the number of troops

How did the colonists react to the Stamp act and the Townshend acts?
a) they stopped buying imported British goods
b) they refused to vote in British elections
c) they continued life as normal
d) they viciously attacked British troops

What happened at the Boston Massacre?
a) the British army killed hundreds of colonists for no reason
b) Colonial sharpshooters kill dozens of British troops
c) Colonists kill 26 British soldiers in formal battle
d) Panicked British soldiers kill 5 colonists

How did British Parliament react to the Boston Tea Party?
a) they declared war on the colonies
b) they passed laws that closed down Boston Harbor
c) they allowed colonies to send representatives to Parliament
d) they did nothing

After many colonists grew angry about the Stamp Act, Parliament chose to do what?
a) protest
b) repeal
c) keep

A law created or passed by a government is a
a) protest
b) act
c) delegate
d) massacre

To bring into a country, especially in order to sale is a
a) boycott
b) act
c) massacre
d) import

Forcing people to pay taxes when they have no say in making laws is called
a) boycott
b) import
c) massacre
d) taxation without representation

What did the Stamp Act put a tax on?
a) stamps
b) printed items
c) tea
d) all of the above

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