H8 - WWI/Great Depression Question Preview (ID: 49554)

WWI Great Depression Georgia. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Who built their home, the Little White House, in Georgia shortly after his election?
a) Franklin D. Roosevelt
b) Jimmy Carter
c) Eugene Talmadge
d) James Oglethorpe

One of these was NOT one of the reasons for the Great Depression
a) people quit their jobs
b) Bank Failures
c) Stock Market Crash of 1929
d) overproduction

When the Boll Weevil came through Georgia it forced farmers to do what?
a) grow more cotton
b) diversify
c) grow a different kind of cotton
d) cotton

What program provided retirement funds for the disabled, elderly, and unemployed?
a) Civilian Conservation Corps
b) Rural Electrification Act
c) Social Security Administration
d) Agricultural Adjustment Act

Eugene Talmadge most represented the opinions of the __________.
a) business leaders
b) industrialists
c) leaders
d) Farmers

The event generally considered the START of the Great Depression in the United States was what?
a) Boll Weevill
b) Drought
c) Stock Market Crash of 1929
d) WWI

What at Fort McPherson treated about 10,000 wounded soldiers between 1917 - 1919?
a) Fort Oglethorpe
b) General Hospital No 6
c) Erlanger
d) Hutcheson

This forced thousands to migrate to GA cities to find work?
a) Great Depression
b) Civil War
c) Stock Market
d) Boll Weevil and Drought

Name of the time period with great drought, huge dust storms, and big agricultural damage.
a) Great Depression
b) Dust Bowl
c) Super Bowl
d) World Series

All of the following are ways that Georgia contributed to the WWI efforts EXCEPT:
a) Increased demand for food
b) weapons
c) General Hospital No. 6
d) Meat packing plants

What program subsidized (paid) farmers to grow less cotton and other agricultural goods?
a) Agricultural Adjustment Act
b) Civilian Conservation Corps
c) Social Security Administration
d) Rural Electrification Act

The boll weevil had the greatest impact on ______________.
a) cotton farmers
b) tobacco farmers
c) Industrialist
d) North

Which job would MOST LIKELY be performed by the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC), a New Deal program?
a) improving the soil
b) handing out food to people
c) working in textile mills
d) building new homes for people

Which New Deal program was responsible for such projects in Georgia as Kennesaw Mtn National Battlefield park, Cloudland Canyon and construct Appalachian Trail?
a) Rural Electrification Act
b) Social Security Administration
c) Civilian Conservation Corps
d) Agricultural Adjustment Act

What program hired young men to work on national conservation projects?
a) Agricultural Adjustment Act
b) Civilian Conservation Corps
c) Social Security Administration
d) Rural Electrification Act

Which of the following individuals can be described as the following: fought for farmers issues, but was a strong opponent of the New Deal and of civil rights for African-Americans.
a) Eugene Talmadge
b) E.D. Rivers
c) Franklin Delano Roosevelt
d) James Oglethorpe

America’s longest modern period of high unemployment and low economic activity was known as the ___________.
a) 1920s drought
b) “War to End All Wars”
c) French and Indian War
d) Great Depression

All of the following contributed to Georgia’s agricultural depression after WWI except:
a) The boll weevil.
b) The drought of 1925.
c) The Stock Market crash.
d) Cotton

Who was the President that developed plans for recovery during the Great Depression?
a) Teddy Roosevelt
b) Franklin D. Roosevelt
c) Abe Lincoln
d) George Walton

In addition to the boll weevil, what other natural disaster greatly affected cotton farmers in the 1920s?
a) Drought
b) Cold weather
c) Stock Market Crash of 1929
d) WWI

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