8th SS - Unit 10 Review (SS8H9bc) Question Preview (ID: 49531)

Unit 10 (SS8H9bc). TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Fort Benning, Camp Gordon, and Hunter Airfield were examples of:
a) military bases in Georgia during World War II
b) military bases in Canada during World War II
c) ###
d) ####

During World War II, military bases in Georgia:
a) were helpful for the economy
b) eliminated jobs from Georgians
c) were routinely bombed by the Japanese
d) were designed only for the U.S. Army

What occurred inside the Bell Bomber Plant?
a) B-29 bombers were built.
b) Atomic bombs were constructed.
c) POWs were held captive.
d) Food was produced for U.S. soldiers.

The Bell Bomber Plant:
a) was helpful for Georgia's economy
b) hurt the economy of Georgia
c) had no effect on Georgia's economy
d) ####

Where were Liberty Ships built?
a) Savannah and Brunswick
b) Atlanta
c) Marietta and Roswell
d) Macon

The USS James Oglethorpe:
a) was the first Liberty Ship built
b) was sunk by the Japanese
c) was the last ship produced in Brunswick
d) ####

Richard Russell served as a U.S. senator and as:
a) the governor of Georgia
b) the mayor of Atlanta
c) vice-president of the United States
d) the president of the University of Georgia

Richard Russell and Carl Vinson:
a) brought military installations to Georgia
b) were generals during World War II
c) opposed the New Deal
d) ####

Carl Vinson:
a) served in the House of Representatives for over 50 years
b) opposed the U.S. war effort
c) was primarily concerned with the U.S. Air Force
d) ####

During World War II:
a) Georgia made great contributions
b) Georgia was not involved in the conflict
c) ###
d) ####

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