Unit 5 Russia Question Preview (ID: 49528)

Geography Of Russia. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which religious tradition separated from Roman Catholic church and blended into Russian culture?
a) Eastern Orthodox
b) Communism
c) Judaism
d) Buddhism

Land, labor, capital, and entrepreneurship are all considered to be-
a) factors of migration
b) factors of production
c) imposing immigration laws
d) restricting voting

What political/economic system ended with the dissolution of the Soviet Union?
a) communism
b) democracy
c) many freedoms
d) multi-party rule

The government of Russia is more limited because-
a) constitution is outlawed
b) military answers to president
c) government controls economy
d) people are allowed to vote

What is glasnost?
a) private ownership
b) restructuring of government
c) an attitude of openess
d) repression

In a communist economic system, such as that of the former Soviet Union,economic decisions are primarily made by-
a) government
b) no one
c) people
d) U.S.

How does Russia compare in size to other countries in the world?
a) average
b) hottest
c) smallest
d) largest

Most Russian urban centers are located in which part of the country?
a) north
b) south
c) west
d) east

Last Tsar of Russia?
a) Peter the Great
b) Nicholas II
c) Lenin
d) Stalin

What mountain range separates Western European Russia from Eastern Asian Russia?
a) Siberia
b) Ural Mountains
c) Moscow
d) Kuril Mountains

Societies may use which of the following systems to organize the production and distribution of goods and services?
a) market system
b) Purchase system
c) Prussian system
d) Labor system

In a communist economic system economic decisions are made by-
a) owners of factories
b) consumers
c) central government
d) native leaders

What is one similarity between how the United States and Russian governments are organized?
a) Both governments have multiple political parties
b) both governments have 3 branches
c) Both governments are federal systems
d) Both governments are confederations

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