US History Final Exam Part 1 2020 Question Preview (ID: 49493)

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The Global Transfer of living things and ideas between Old and New World?
a) Columbian Exchange
b) Transatlantic Encounter
c) Middle Passage
d) none of the above

Declaration of Independence stated government power should be based on what?
a) presidential privelege
b) non-democratic elections
c) two party system
d) consent of the people

A Federalist would support
a) the Constitution
b) Articles of Confederation
c) State Powers
d) none of the above

The Louisiana Purchase did which of the following?
a) created Alaska as a state
b) doubled the size of the United States
c) transferred New Orleans to US control
d) tripled trade with Germany

Railroad impacted the US by allowing which of the following?
a) connected and uniting the US
b) decreasing trade
c) keeping the US under British control
d) destroying big business

Reform means to do what?
a) stay the same
b) allow free and fair elections for children
c) change for the better
d) change for the worse

God Given right to expand westward?
a) Manifest Destiny
b) Truman Doctrine
c) Declaration of Independence
d) Abolition

Popular Sovereignty was?
a) free/slave state=decision of courts
b) free/slave state=decision of monarchy
c) free/slave state=will of people
d) none of the above

Turning point of Civil War
a) Gettysburg
b) Anteitam
c) Vicksburg
d) Bull Run

a) no movement of people
b) people move to cities
c) people move to farms
d) none of the above

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