Asexual + Sexual Reproduction Question Preview (ID: 49490)

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This type of reproduction requires two parents
a) Binary Fission
b) Asexual Reproduction
c) Sexual Reproduction
d) Vegetative propagation

When an organism grows back a part that it lost and is identical to original
a) Regeneration
b) Binary Fission
c) Vegetative Propagation
d) Cutting

When plants produce genetically identical offshoots (clones) of themselves, which then develop into independent plants.
a) Regeneration
b) Budding
c) Pollination
d) Vegetative Propagation

Form of sexual reproduction in plants
a) Binary Fission
b) Pollination
c) Regeneration
d) Cloning

Eggs in females, sperm in males (ovules and pollen in plants
a) Clones
b) Zygotes
c) Vegetative cells
d) Gametes

This type of reproduction requires one parent
a) Asexual Reproduction
b) Sexual Reproduction
c) Pollination
d) Menstruation

Removing a leaf or stem of a plant and regrowing it into a new identical plant.
a) Budding
b) Binary Fission
c) Cutting
d) Gametes

Form of reproduction that produces offspring different from parents
a) Sexual Reproduction
b) Asexual Reproduction
c) Binary Fission
d) Vegetative Propagation

A small growth on an organism that splits and grows into a new identical organism.
a) Regeneration
b) Regeneration
c) Cutting
d) Budding

When a single celled organism splits into an exact copy.
a) Binary Fission
b) Regeneration
c) Cutting
d) Gametes

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