Bud, Not Buddy #2 Question Preview (ID: 49481)
Vocabulary Quiz.
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a place where people go to hide out when they get off of trains
a) cardboard jungle
b) the hut place
c) the unknown
d) poor people jungle
a noun that means a home for children who have no family
a) hypnotized
b) orphanage
c) taste
d) devoured
a verb or an adjective that means focused so carefully on one thing that you can't see anything else
a) hypnotized
b) orphanage
c) taste
d) devoured
a phrase that means jumping on trains without a ticket and riding in the empty cars
a) cardboard jungle
b) riding the rails
c) jumping the train
d) catching the rails
a noun or verb. One of the 5 senses OR what you like.
a) hypnotized
b) orphanage
c) taste
d) devoured
a verb that means ate really quickly
a) hypnotized
b) orphanage
c) taste
d) devoured
Bugs and Bud decided they would ______________ to go out west.
a) jump the wagon
b) ride a car
c) hop a train
d) walk the town
Bud ____________ the book at the library and even forgot to grab lunch.
a) hypnotized
b) taste
c) orphanage
d) devoured
Bud refers to the _________________ as The Home.
a) hypnotized
b) taste
c) orphanage
d) devoured
Bud was surprised that the librarian remembered that he and his mom had very different ______________ in books.
a) taste
b) devoured
c) hypnotized
d) orphanage
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