EOCA Semester 1 Question Preview (ID: 49477)

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How do you determine the total magnification on a microscope?
a) objective lens + optical lens
b) objective lens minus optical lens
c) objective lens X optical lens
d) It is always precalculated

What is the purpose of the cell membrane?
a) to allow things in and out of the cell
b) to protect and support the cell
c) to convert food into energy
d) to allow for cellular respiration

Where are specialized cells found?
a) in unicellular organisms
b) in multicellular organisms
c) only in humans
d) bacteria cells

Where does an autotroph get its energy
a) by eating other organisms
b) completely from the mitochondria
c) from plants
d) from converting sunlight into energy

What happens during photosynthesis?
a) Autotrophs convert CO2 and sunlight into glucose for energy
b) Autotrophs convert O2 and sunlight into glucose for energy
c) Autotrophs convert food into energy and release CO2
d) Heterotrophs use the mitochondria to convert food to energy

What does a DNA molecule look like?
a) a straight ladder
b) A twisted double helix
c) a twisted triple helix
d) a transparent particle of mist

What is copied during replication in the interphase stage of the cell cycle?
a) the oxygen
b) the food
c) DNA
d) the cells

What is diffusion?
a) Movement of molecules across the cell membrane from high concentration to low concentration
b) Movement of molecules across the cell membrane from low concentration to high concentration
c) Movement of water molecules
d) keeping internal conditions stable or balanced

What does AA mean to geneticists?
a) Homozygous dominant or Purebred dominant
b) Heterozygous dominant or hybrid dominant
c) Homozygous recessive or purebred recessive
d) Heterozygous recessive or hybrid recessive

What is a males gender chromosomal combination?
a) XX
b) XY
c) YY

If a balloon pops and the girl screams, what is the stimilus?
a) The girl screams
b) The balloon pops
c) The dog barks
d) There is no stimilus in this scenario

If a car backfires and man jumps, what is the response?
a) the car backfires
b) the man jumps
c) the air is dirty
d) there is no response in this scenario

What is keeping internal conditions stable or balanced?
a) heterotrophic
b) spontaneous generation
c) homeostasis
d) engulfing

What is the most abundant chemical in living organisms?
a) lipids
b) Carbon
c) Nitrogen
d) water

What type of organism is able to make its own food for energy?
a) autotroph
b) heterotroph
c) consumer
d) multicellular

What is the simplest grouping of more than one kind of organism in the biosphere?
a) community
b) population
c) species
d) an ecosystem

What is an endangered species?
a) one that is extinct
b) one that is in danger of extinction
c) one that has never been proven
d) one that lives in the ocean

An example of an autotroph
a) rose
b) monkey
c) deer
d) jelly fish

An example of a heterotroph
a) rose
b) vine
c) monkey
d) grass

What organelle gathers the sun's energy for photosynthesis?
a) chloroplast
b) mitochondria
c) chlorophyll
d) cell membrane

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