Stem Changing Verbs Question Preview (ID: 49473)

Stem Changing Verbs In The Present Tense. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What are the endings for verbs that end in -ir?
a) o, es, e, emos, eis, em
b) o, as, a, amos, ais, am
c) o, es, e, imos, is, em
d) os, es, e, imos, is, em

What is Rule 1 of Stem Changing verbs?
a) change e to an i in the tu form
b) change e to an i in the eu form
c) change o to an u in the eu form
d) change u to an o in the tu, ele, eles form

What is Rule 2 of Stem Changing verbs?
a) change e to an i in the tu form
b) change e to an i in the eu form
c) change o to an u in the eu form
d) change u to an o in the tu, ele, eles form

What is Rule 3 of Stem Changing verbs?
a) change e to an i in the tu form
b) change e to an i in the eu form
c) change o to an u in the eu form
d) change u to an o in the tu, ele, eles form

vestir (eu)
a) visto
b) vestes
c) vesto
d) vestes

despir (eu)
a) despo
b) depes
c) dispo
d) despem

descobrir (eu)
a) descobro
b) descobres
c) descobre
d) descubro

subir (eu)
a) subo
b) sobo
c) sobes
d) sobem

subir (tu)
a) subes
b) sube
c) sobes
d) sobe

subir (ele)
a) sube
b) subis
c) sobe
d) sobes

subir (eles)
a) subem
b) sobem
c) subimos
d) subis

What does dormir mean?
a) to speak
b) to dress
c) to win
d) to sleep

What does servir mean?
a) to sleep
b) to serve
c) to cough
d) to cover

What does mentir mean?
a) to sleep
b) to live
c) to lie
d) to come

What does tossir mean?
a) to cough
b) to climb
c) to dance
d) to undress

What does despir mean?
a) to dress
b) to undress
c) to sleep
d) to uncover

What does cobrir mean?
a) to descover
b) to cover
c) to climb
d) to cough

What does subir mean?
a) to cough
b) to sleep
c) to cover
d) to climb

What does preferir mean?
a) to prefer
b) to lie
c) to dress
d) to feel

What does repetir mean?
a) to feel
b) to repeate
c) to sleep
d) to lie

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