The Weight Of A System Question Preview (ID: 49470)
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the heaviness of an object
a) weight
b) mass
c) volume
d) density
the amount of matter in an object
a) weight
b) mass
c) volume
d) density
a system that does not allow matter to be added or removed
a) mass
b) open system
c) closed system
d) volume
the weight of the whole equals the sum of the ___________________.
a) parts
b) whole
If a beaker of water is placed in a freezer with 150ML of water. When it freezes, the mass will be ___________
a) the same
b) greater
c) less than
d) nothing
A jeweler melts gold to make jewelry. As the gold melts, the mass
a) stays the same
b) increases
c) decreases
A container of water is left outside with the cap off. As the day gets hotter, the mass of the water in the container
a) increases
b) decreases
c) stays the same
A container of water is left outside with the cap ON. As the day gets hotter, the mass of the water in the container
a) stays the same
b) increases
c) decreases
You put water into a glass. You add some ice. Then you add some fruit for flavor. The mass of the glass
a) increases
b) decreases
c) stays the same
You had just finished building your model airplane. But then, your little brother came and broke it into pieces. The mass of the plane
a) stays the same
b) increases
c) decreases
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