Career Management Review - B Question Preview (ID: 49467)
Review Questions.
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The language used when writing a response to a customer’s request should be:
a) Polite and respectful.
b) Critical.
c) Threatening.
To annoy or bother someone in a constant or repeated way.
a) Optimism
b) Harassment
c) Etiquette
The words TO, FROM, DATE and SUBJECT appear in the heading of a:
a) Business letter.
b) Good-news letter.
c) Memorandum.
Which often has the most effect on the understanding of a spoken message?
a) What is said?
b) Nonverbal communication
c) What is heard?
When talking on the phone at work, it is acceptable to:
a) Speak clearly.
b) Chew gum quietly.
c) Eat or drink quietly.
Anyone who receives feedback should:
a) Be resentful.
b) Be offended.
c) Use it to gain revenge on the sender.
When feedback is received, one should:
a) Consider suggestions for improvement and positive comments.
b) Give it to the teacher.
c) Throw it away.
Which term describes time spent reading a book or attending a day spa?
a) Work time
b) Leisure time
c) Family time
What stage in the family life cycle occurs when couples decide to become parents?
a) Beginning
b) Childbearing
c) Launching
The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) investigates:
a) unemployment claims.
b) mental health issues.
c) charges of discrimination.
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