5th Grade Chapter 4 Science Test (Energy And Heat) Part I Question Preview (ID: 49463)

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Waterproof class cloth and ceramic tiles have controlled heat on ---
a) probes
b) space capsules
c) the International Space Station
d) space shuttles

A _______ is any substance that releases energy when it burns.
a) fuel
b) conductor
c) calorie
d) gas

Heat transfer that occurs when particles of a substance carry thermal energy as they move from one place to another is called---
a) convection
b) conduction
c) radiation
d) none of the above

Heat transfer that occurs when particles of substances bump into or touch each other is called---
a) radiation
b) convection
c) conduction
d) none of the above

The transfer, or movement, of thermal energy from one substance to another is called ----
a) convection
b) heat
c) conduction
d) currents

Cooking on a stovetop or eating a popsicle usually involves---
a) radiation
b) convection
c) conduction
d) none of the above

Boiling water or heating a room often involves ---
a) convection
b) radiation
c) conduction
d) none of the above

Solids are usually heated by ---
a) radiation
b) convection
c) conduction
d) none of the above

_______________always flows from a warmer to a cooler substance.
a) Heat
b) Air
c) Wind
d) none of the above

Temperature is usually measured in degrees Fahrenheit or ---
a) grams
b) calorie
c) Celsius
d) none of the above

Convection usually occurs in liquids and ---
a) solids
b) gases
c) both a and b
d) none of the above

_____________ can occur in empty space.
a) radiation
b) convection
c) conduction
d) none of the above

The total kinetic energy of the particles in a substance is called---
a) thermal energy
b) expansion
c) temperature
d) potential energy

Stored energy, or energy that an object has because of its position or condition, is called----
a) kinetic energy
b) thermal energy
c) potential energy
d) none of the above

Energy that an object has because of its motion is called---
a) kinetic energy
b) potential energy
c) thermal energy
d) none of the above

The ability of a substance's particles to move faster and expand without changing states is called---
a) thermal expansion
b) kinetic expansion
c) potential energy
d) temperature gain

Temperature is measured with a ---
a) thermometer
b) balance
c) calorie
d) scale

The ability to do work is called---
a) expansion
b) contraction
c) energy
d) mass

A ___________ is the amount of thermal energy needed to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water one degrees Celsius.
a) calorie
b) gram
c) balance
d) thermometer

The measure of the average kinetic energy of the particles in a substance is called---
a) thermal energy
b) expansion
c) temperature
d) potential energy

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