Early Man And River Valley Civilizations Question Preview (ID: 49453)

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The Nile River flows into water body of water?
a) Atlantic Ocean
b) Caspian Sea
c) Red Sea
d) Mediterranean Sea

This river is often referred to as China's sorrow
a) Indus
b) Nile
c) Yellow
d) Tigris and Euphrates Rivers

Which is a characteristic of the Paleolithic Age
a) People began to settle down in cities
b) People began domesticating animals
c) People were hunter-gatherers
d) People began to farm

What mountain range isolated China from India and the rest of the world?
a) Zagros Mountains
b) Appalachian mountains
c) Himalayan Mountains
d) Gobi

Cuneiform is the writing system of which River Valley civilization?
a) Indus
b) China
c) Egypt
d) Mesopotamia

What are the effects of the Neolithic Revolution?
a) People began to settle down and civilizations emerged
b) People began to move from place to place
c) People began to migrate from river to river
d) People began to hunt and gather again.

Mesopotamia used which two rivers?
a) Yellow and Yangtze
b) Nile and Indus
c) Tigris and Euphrates
d) Nile and Yellow

What is urban planning?
a) planning the layout of your city
b) living in a city
c) moving away from a city
d) creating a city

Hammurabi's Code is significant because
a) It was the world's first writing system
b) It was the first set of written laws
c) He was killed in a zoo.
d) It was set in stone

What is a turning point?
a) a minor event that did not change history
b) a point that turns itself around
c) the educational system
d) a major event that changes history

Why is the Neolithic Revolution considered a turning point?
a) It changed the way humans lived from hunter-gatherer to food producing and living in permanent settlements
b) We returned to a nomadic lifestyle.
c) We began to be nomads.
d) We were hunter-gatherer

Which is NOT an element of a civilization
a) Public Works
b) Writing System
c) Agriculture
d) Social Classes

Which is an element of a civilization
a) Agriculture
b) People
c) Job Specialization
d) Water

The Neolithic Revolution was characterized by
a) Humans returning to a nomadic lifestyle
b) Humans using simple stone tools
c) Humans were hunter-gatherers
d) Humans used agriculture, and lived in permanent settlements

True or false: A Nomad moves from place to place in search of food
a) False
b) True

Why are all early civilizations located along rivers?
a) They were nomads and needed water
b) They used the fertile soil for agriculture
c) They hunted animals there
d) They were using the stones to create simple stone tools from the river rocks

The Paleolithic Age was characterize by what?
a) People lived a nomadic lifestyle and were hunter-gatherers
b) People lived in permanent settlements
c) People lived along rivers
d) People had a stable food supply due to farming

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