Foundations Fall Semester Question Preview (ID: 49434)

Fall Semester Review. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

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the legal vaping age is
a) 21
b) 18
c) 19
d) who cares the only side effect is looking like a moron

a) students stay in classrooms business as usual
b) students evacuate
c) when the operator tells you to hold on the line
d) what gel does

Where do we go for evacuation drill during this class
a) tennis courts
b) home
c) field
d) inside rooms no windows

Shelter in place
a) inside rooms no windows
b) lights locks out of sight
c) get inside and lock outside doors
d) evacuate

___ is the main ingredient in all smoking habits
a) nicotine
b) tobacco
c) carbon monoxide
d) phermaldahyde

smoking cigarettes will cause what damage?
a) brain, lung, and heart
b) brain and heart
c) only lungs
d) throat, lungs, and heart

People are addicted to the ___ in tobacco and vaping products
a) nicotine
b) tobacco
c) adrenaline
d) wasting money

When you see things a certain way
a) perspective
b) open mindedness
c) putting yourself in other people's shoes
d) being cross eyed

Only should be out before and after school...or at lunch
a) cell phones
b) backpacks
c) vaping and cigarettes
d) curse words

the legal drinking limit
a) 21
b) 18
c) 19
d) 13

The limit to be classified as drunk via blood alcohol content
a) 0.08
b) 0.45
c) 8
d) 0.06

This allows us to look back at our success and failures to be better from them.
a) self-reflection
b) values
c) perspective
d) mirrors

This is the only thing more addictive than nicotine.
a) heroin
b) cocain
c) caffeine
d) old town road

Lockdown is when...
a) something dangerous in the building or near it
b) tornado or weather event is dangerously close
c) fire or bomb threat
d) you keep a secret from a friend

When reviewing the S.M.A.R.T. goals are discussed what does the A stand for?
a) attainable
b) accessable
c) arguing
d) available

When discussing S.M.A.R.T. goals, what does the M stand for?
a) Measurable
b) Melendez
c) Mediocre
d) Melancholy

When discussing the T in S.M.A.R.T. goals...
a) Time
b) Turkey Sandwiches
c) True
d) Troublesome

Contains tobacco as the main ingredient which is a major contributor to different forms of cancer.
a) cigarettes, chew or dip, and cigars
b) cigarettes, cigars, and vapes
c) vaping, e-cigarettes, and pipes
d) marijuana and cigarettes

Causes popcorn lung, heart attacks, and strokes.
a) vaping products
b) cigarette smokings
c) marijuana smoking
d) being a cowboys fan

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