Cold War Events Review Question Preview (ID: 49428)

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The Great Wall of China and the Berlin Wall were both intended to
a) halt the spread of communism
b) isolate unpopular movements
c) limit the movement of peoples
d) keep people from smuggling illegal goods

One goal of the Marshall Plan (1947) was to
a) provide defensive weapons to Great Britain
b) rebuild the economy of Western Europe
c) fund the construction of the iron curtain
d) bring Nazi war criminals to trial in Nuremberg

One reason for the construction of the Berlin Wall in 1961 was to
a) promote reunification of East Germany and West Germany
b) keep East Germans from fleeing to the Western sector of Berlin
c) complete the post–World War II rebuilding of Berlin
d) meet the requirements of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

The events that took place in Hungary in the 1950s and in Czechoslovakia in the 1960s demonstrated the Soviet Union’s
a) support of nationalism among satellite nations
b) influence on the economies of developing nations
c) determination to maintain political control over Eastern Europe at that time
d) attempts to promote its artistic and literary achievements in Western Europe

What was the purpose of the Berlin Airlift?
a) supplying West Berlin with necessities during the Soviet blockade
b) helping defeat the German military
c) assisting people trying to escape from East Berlin
d) forcing the Soviet Union to end its occupation of East Germany

The Truman Doctrine and the Berlin Airlift were examples of the United States foreign policy of
a) colonialism
b) detente
c) nonalignment
d) containment

Which event marked the beginning of the space race with the Soviet Union?
a) U-2 spy plane incident
b) launch of Sputnik
c) Berlin airlift
d) creation of the space shuttle program

The invasion of Hungary, construction of the Berlin Wall, and invasion of Czechoslovakia are all related to
a) Gorbachev's introduction of the policy of glasnost.
b) Hitler's efforts to promote national socialism.
c) the Soviet Union's acceptance of capitalism.
d) attempts by the Soviet Union to strengthen communist control.

The 1956 invasion of Hungary and the 1968 invasion of Czechoslovakia by the Soviet Union were attempts to
a) keep Communist governments in power in Eastern Europe
b) decrease Cold War tensions between Eastern Europe and the United States
c) prevent German militarism from spreading throughout Europe
d) provide humanitarian aid to the ethnic minorities of these nations

In the 30 years after World War II, which area was most influenced by the Soviet Union?
a) Southeast Asia
b) North Africa
c) Eastern Europe
d) Central America

The Soviet Union’s reaction to the 1968 revolt in Czechoslovakia was to
a) permit limited political and economic reforms in Czechoslovakia
b) withdraw Soviet troops from Eastern Europe
c) send Soviet troops to occupy Czechoslovakia
d) bring the matter to the attention of the United Nations

What was the purpose behind the construction of the Berlin Wall?
a) safeguarding industrial secrets
b) protecting the power of a regime
c) discouraging the movement of pastoral herders
d) testing the viability of technological innovations

The destruction of the Berlin Wall and the breakup of the Soviet Union signify the
a) end of the Cold War
b) collapse of the Taliban
c) strength of the Warsaw Pact
d) power of the European Union

Which was a major purpose of the United States and its wartime Allies at the World War II summit conference held in Yalta and Potsdam?
a) to plan the political future of defeated nations
b) to reveal the events of the Holocaust to the world
c) to coordinate the development and use of the atomic bomb
d) to establish the rules of conduct for the Cold War

The purpose of the Marshall Plan was to
a) restore Japanese economic development
b) provide military aid to Middle Eastern allies
c) assure nationalist success in the Chinese civil war
d) provide for economic recovery in Western Europe

The Truman Doctrine and the Marshall Plan were designed to
a) promote economic and political stability in Europe
b) end German demands for the Sudetenland
c) restore democratic rule in Haiti
d) prevent Iraq’s takeover of Kuwait

The Truman Doctrine and the Marshall Plan were established to
a) put down the Hungarian Revolution
b) contain communism
c) end the Soviet blockade of Berlin
d) destroy the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

Which United States foreign policy was used to maintain the independence of Greece and Turkey after World War II?
a) containment
b) neutrality
c) nonalignment
d) militarism

The Yalta and Potsdam Conference were a major contribution to what?
b) Cold War
c) Vietnam War
d) Korean War

Agreements made at the Yalta and Potsdam conferences near the end of World War 2 resulted in
a) Division of Germany into zones of occupation
b) Invasion of the Soviet Union by the Allies
c) Creation of the arms control agreements
d) Control of the Korean peninsula by the United Nations forces

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