Eastern Civilization Review Question Preview (ID: 49424)

Questions On China, India, And Japan. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Why did trade flourish during Pax Mongolica?
a) The Mongols produced more goods to trade on the Silk Road
b) Peace after the Mongol conquest allowed safe passage along trade routes
c) Traders used tough Mongolian horses to travel further and faster on trade routes
d) All trade routes must go through Mongolia

Which best describes the reign of Chandragupta II?
a) It was the peak of the Indian golden age
b) It was the worst time in Indian history
c) It was a time of war and conflict
d) It was unsuccessful in trade but had great scientific accomplishments

How did the Gupta empire disappear?
a) It sank into the ocean
b) It was assimilated into the Maurya empire
c) It was destroyed by famine and floods
d) It disintegrated into smaller kingdoms

How did the Fujiwara clan become more powerful than the emperor in the Heian period?
a) They took over after the emperor became too sick and weak to rule
b) They took over all the most powerful positions in the Heian government
c) They were the richest family in Japan and owned the most land
d) They married their daughters into the imperial family and ruled as regents

Who is considered the greatest poet in the Sanskrit language?
a) Aryabhata
b) Kalidasa
c) Chandragupta
d) Varaharmihira

Where did Hindu culture begin to spread and greatly influence during the Gupta empire?
a) Southeast Asia
b) America
c) Europe
d) Japan

What did Aryabhata accomplish?
a) Issue the first silver coins
b) Invent the game of chess
c) Create the concept of zero
d) All of the Above

Why was the Heian court so relaxed and inefficient?
a) The nobles lived in a bubble and had nothing better to do than to waste time
b) Japan was geographically protected and did not have any big emergencies
c) People believed in Buddhism and meditated to relax
d) People only wanted to look beautiful and did not care about anything else

What marked the end of the Heian period?
a) The battle between the Minamoto and Fujiwara during the Genbei War
b) The Mongol invasion of Japan from the Korean peninsula
c) The battle between the Minamoto and Taira during the Genpei War
d) When the emperor regained power and restored the imperial government

What was the design of the city of Heiankyo most similar to?
a) Mohenjo-Daro
b) Tokyo
c) London
d) Chang’an

How did women contribute to Heian literature?
a) They made Japanese writing popular and wrote the first novels
b) They pretended to be men to write stories about life at court
c) They learn Chinese characters to write beautiful poems
d) They could not write but orally passed down many Japanese myths and stories

How did Wu Zetian become the only woman to assume the title as emperor in China?
a) Emperor Taizong chose her as the next emperor
b) She was regent to many weak emperors before taking the throne herself
c) She won a civil war against the other princes
d) She stole the Mandate of Heaven from Emperor Taizong

Who was considered the top of the Confucian hierarchy during the Tang and Song?
a) Soldiers
b) Farmers
c) Merchants
d) Scholar-officials

Why did the Tang dynasty begin to lose power?
a) The empire became too large to manage
b) Attacks from outside invaders and internal rebellion became too costly
c) The government decentralized, governors became more powerful
d) All of the Above

What did the Tang do to restore the bureaucratic government?
a) They asked for the Korean scholars to help work for the Chinese government
b) They allowed fief lords to control their own lands
c) They revived the civil service exam to fill government jobs
d) Only people from noble families could work for the government

What best describes the relationship between Korean Kingdoms?
a) They were friendly neighbors that helped each other
b) They rarely had contact and did not know each other
c) They were rivals fighting for dominance of the peninsula
d) None of the Above

What was invented during the Eastern Han?
a) Gunpowder
b) Paper
c) Compass
d) Printing Press

What best describes the relationship between Korea and Japan?
a) They always had a relationship of friendly trade at times and outright war at other times
b) They were allies that always fought together against China
c) They separated by the Sea of Japan and did not have any contact
d) They shared a land bridge that made it easier to travel between the two countries

What is the Eightfold Path?
a) The way to overcome desires
b) The Middle Way between desires and self-denial
c) The Fourth Noble Truth
d) All of the Above

How does karma work with dharma in Hinduism?
a) People must follow the divine law of the dharma to get good karma for reincarnation
b) Karma is another word for dharma
c) Dharma and Karma are the founders of Hinduism
d) Dharma created by people’s actions and karma is our individual duty

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