Chapter 7 Question Preview (ID: 49413)

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What is propaganda
a) slanted or one-sided information on a subject
b) A fancy name for props in a play
c) a professional agenda
d) a panda that is a pro at something

How did Octavian get rid of Mark Antony
a) He made up lies and turned public opinion against him so that the Senate would send an army to stop him
b) He stabbed him to death in the Senate
c) He had him poisoned
d) He took him prisoner and locked him away for the rest of his life

What were two major problems facing Rome
a) Unrest and Unemployment
b) Hunger and the long wars
c) Taxes and high cost of living
d) Overpopulation and not enough good farm land

Who was Julius Ceasar
a) A consul in Rome who became a dictator
b) The man who invented Ceasar Dressing
c) A great speaker and leader in the Roman Senate
d) A brutal general who killed Mark Antony

Where did children in Rome go to school
a) Public school
b) They were uneducated
c) Wealthy parents sent them to private schools taught by Greek teachers or had Greek slaves teach them
d) They learned in the Forum

Who was Hannibal
a) A Cathaginian leader in the second phase of the Punic Wars
b) a powerful Roman
c) A man who's mom gave him a lousy name
d) An elephant that died in the Alps

Where was the Senate located?
a) On a hill outside the city
b) in the royal palace
c) in the Roman Forum
d) in a undisclosed location for tribunes safety

What were the Punic wars
a) a three phrase war lasting almost 100 years between the Phoenicians and the Romans
b) a puny war between Romans and Carthage
c) Several quick battles between Rome and the Phoenicians resolving in a matter of months
d) The attempt by Puny to take over Rome

What are some Etruscan Influenes on Roman homes?
a) Porticos, atrium and frescoes
b) Porticos, atriums and lying on low couches while eating
c) heavy wooden doors
d) indoor plumbing

What were the gladiator games
a) Board games played by wealthy roman families
b) Bloody competitions where armed men fought to the death
c) The contest that Ben Hur fought in
d) Circuses where people spent all day watching men kill each outher

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