Chapter 7, Lesson 3 Question Preview (ID: 49410)

India-Buddhism. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Jainists practice _______________-, which means nonviolence.
a) ahimsa
b) buddha
c) siddhartha
d) ganges

Buddhism is based on the teachings of __________________.
a) Siddhartha Gautama
b) Jesus Christ
c) Muhammed
d) Mr. Jones

Following the Eightfold Path could lead a person to _________________, or the end of suffering.
a) nirvana
b) karma
c) reincarnation
d) Buddha

After Buddha died, his followers collected his teachings, called __________________.
a) dharma
b) karma
c) larma
d) nirvana

The greatest Maurya king was Chandragupta's grandson, named ________________.
a) Asoka
b) Siddhartha
c) Nirvana
d) Mr. Jones

After the collapse of the Maurya Empire, the _________________ Empire controlled India.
a) Gupta
b) Chandragupta
c) Asoka
d) Buddha

Indian mathematicians discovered the value of ______________, a number used to calculate the length of a circle's boundary.
a) Pi
b) Algebra
c) Geometry
d) Physics

_________________ is a term used to describe metal working in ancient India.
a) Metallurgy
b) Aluminum
c) Blacksmithing
d) Dehli

King Asoka was influenced most by this religion:
a) Buddhism
b) Hinduism
c) Christianity
d) Judaism

During the Gupta Empire, advances in art, math, and metallurgy led to the age being called ____________________.
a) The Golden Age
b) The Good Times
c) The Red Age
d) The Dark Ages

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