Note Values Question Preview (ID: 49407)

Note Values For Elementary School. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What rest takes up four beats?
a) whole rest
b) half rest
c) quarter rest
d) eighth rest

what rest takes up a half a beat?
a) whole rest
b) half rest
c) quarter rest
d) eighth rest

What rest takes up two beats?
a) whole rest
b) half rest
c) quarter rest
d) eighth rest

What rest takes one beat?
a) whole rest
b) half rest
c) quarter rest
d) eighth rest

What note takes four beats?
a) whole note
b) half note
c) quarter note
d) eighth note

What note takes a half a beat?
a) whole note
b) half note
c) quarter note
d) eighth note

What note takes up two beats?
a) whole note
b) half note
c) quarter note
d) eighth note

What note takes up 1 beat?
a) whole note
b) half note
c) quarter note
d) eighth note

How many beats do two whole notes equal?
a) 1 beat
b) 2 beats
c) 4 beats
d) 8 beats

How many beats do two quarter notes equal?
a) 1 beat
b) 2 beats
c) 4 beats
d) 8 beats

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