Foods I Exam Review Question Preview (ID: 49396)

Exam Review. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Cutting food costs in half because children are leaving for college is an example of which type of influences on food?
a) cultural influences
b) physiological influences
c) psychological influences
d) situational influences

Which is an example of an external influence affecting food choices?
a) availability of canned foods
b) religious beliefs with specific food laws
c) increases in one's high blood pressure
d) number of employed parents

Jason, a 25-year-old young professional, relies heavily on high-sodium and high-fat fast food and frozen meals because he never learned to cook. Which internal influence on food choices does this represent?
a) family schedules
b) knowledge and skills
c) peer group
d) stages of life

Deandre uses a chart to visualize how much peanut butter is considered one serving for his sandwich. Which weight-control strategy is he using?
a) following recommended calorie needs
b) practicing moderation
c) controlling portion sizes
d) achieving physical fitness

Gardening, dancing, and walking briskly are examples of:
a) very light physical activities.
b) light physical activities.
c) moderate physical activities.
d) vigorous physical activities.

Mason wants to start a physical fitness program to help him get in shape. What activities should be practice for flexibility?a
a) stretching exercises
b) cardiovascular exercises
c) resistance exercises
d) calisthenics

To encourage good nutrition, MyPlate recommends that half of a plate should be filled with:
a) a variety of foods from each food group.
b) grains and vegetables.
c) fruits and grains.
d) fruits and vegetables.

An example of a nutrition claim that a person should be cautious of is:
a) consuming fresh fruit for dessert.
b) encouraging one to choose orange juice instead of lemonade.
c) replacing corn with brown rice in an evening meal.
d) guaranteeing one will lose five pounds per week on the grapefruit diet.

In a kitchen, pots with handles that are loose:
a) are not a food sanitation issue as long as caution is used.
b) may lead to injuries from burns by hot food items.
c) should be used to store cold foods.
d) should be used with pot holders to prevent spilling.

What should be used to prevent falls when reaching for equipment or ingredients on top shelves?
a) counter
b) kitchen chair
c) trash can
d) step stool

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