Wonders 2020 Vocabulary 3-1 Question Preview (ID: 49391)

Vocabulary Review. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

a) warmth
b) solar system
c) amount
d) globe

how hot or cold something is
a) temperature
b) support
c) amount
d) astonomy

provide what is needed for something
a) support
b) globe
c) temperature
d) solar syatem

the sun and the planets that move around it
a) support
b) globe
c) solar syatem
d) warmth

a round model of the earth
a) globe
b) support
c) temperature
d) amount

the study of stars and planets
a) warmth
b) astronomy
c) globe
d) support

how much of something there is
a) solar system
b) globe
c) amount
d) temperature

the outside of something
a) surface
b) warmth
c) globe
d) amount

The _____________ outside is 65 degrees.
a) amount
b) temperature
c) solar system
d) support

We do not have a large ______ of pencils in our classroom.
a) surface
b) astronomy
c) warmth
d) amount

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