Global 1 Midterm Review Question Preview (ID: 49381)

Global 1 Midterm Review. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which Greek city-state valued education and democracy?
a) Athens
b) Sparta
c) Rome
d) Sumer

Which of the following statements about Greece and Rome is true?
a) Greece and Rome both expanded into very large empires
b) Mountains protected Rome while mountains caused Greece to divide into city-states.
c) Greece and Rome both honored the god Zeus
d) Alexander the Great ruled over both Greece and Rome

Which Greek city-state valued strength and toughness?
a) Athens
b) Sparta
c) Rome
d) Sumer

Which of the following is true about the Mauryan Empire’s ruler Ashoka?
a) He converted to Buddhism after witnessing great suffering during war
b) He allowed religious freedom in his empire
c) He expanded his empire
d) All of the above

What does monotheistic mean?
a) Belief in one God
b) Belief in multiple religions
c) Belief in one religion
d) Belief in multiple gods

Who was the first to start to build the Great Wall of China?
a) Ashoka of the Mauryan Empire
b) Hammurabi of the Babylonian Empire
c) Shi Huangdi of the Qin Dynasty
d) Liu Bang of the Han Dynasty

Which belief system followed the Caste System?
a) Confucianism
b) Hinduism
c) Judaism
d) Legalism

What does polytheistic mean?
a) Belief in one God
b) Belief in multiple religions
c) Belief in one religion
d) Belief in multiple gods

Which belief system followed filial piety?
a) Confucianism
b) Hinduism
c) Judaism
d) Legalism

Which belief system followed the 10 commandments?
a) Confucianism
b) Hinduism
c) Judaism
d) Legalism

Which is NOT an impact of the Neolithic Revolution?
a) Start of civilizations
b) Rise of cities
c) People lived in smaller groups
d) People became less healthy

Which of the following is NOT considered a code of conduct?
a) 10 commandments
b) Hammurabi’s Code
c) Filial Piety
d) Karma

Where were the earliest civilizations located?
a) Deserts
b) Great Plains
c) River Valleys
d) Next to oceans

How did people live during the paleolithic era?
a) as farmers
b) in cities
c) as hunter gatherers
d) in civilizations

How did the Neolithic Revolution change the way people lived?
a) They became healthier
b) The started to settle in once place and farm
c) There were less wars
d) They had more leisure time

Which of the following is NOT true about Rome?
a) The had a republican government for 500 years
b) We can still see examples of their engineering achievements in the roads and aqueducts that are still there
c) They developed the concept of zero
d) Roads allowed them to maintain power and unify their empire

Which of the following is NOT true about transregional trade routes?
a) They all traveled long distances over land
b) They caused cultural diffusion between different regions
c) They were all connected to one another
d) Many people grew wealthy from them

Which of the following is NOT a result of the fall of Rome?
a) People in Western Europe became more isolated
b) Western Europe became wealthy through trade
c) The Catholic church gained more power over Western Europe
d) Western Europe became decentralized, with many different people having power

When are golden ages more likely to happen?
a) When societies are stable and prosperous
b) When societies are unstable and unsafe
c) When people are solely focused on survival
d) When there are many wars and a corrupt government

Which of the following is NOT true about the Western European Feudal System?
a) People who owned more land held more power
b) Vassals pledged loyalty to Lords in exchange for land
c) The Catholic Church held power over almost everyone
d) There were many opportunities for social mobility

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