Musical Terms Question Preview (ID: 49377)

Orange/Green Belts. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

The five lines and four spaces that musical notes are placed on
a) Staff
b) Clef
c) Barline
d) Stem

What separates the measures on a staff?
a) Clef
b) Staff
c) Barline
d) Note

Why symbol ends the music?
a) Barline
b) Double Barline
c) Measure
d) Fermata

What symbol tells you to do a section of music over again?
a) Barline
b) Bass clef
c) Flat
d) Repeat sign

What are the spaces between barlines called?
a) Measures
b) Flats
c) Naturals
d) Beams

What symbol indicates that high singers use this staff?
a) Bass Clef
b) Sharp
c) Repeat Sign
d) Treble Clef

What symbol indicates that low singers use this staff?
a) Natural
b) Bass Clef
c) Treble Clef
d) Measure

What symbols lowers a note by a half step?
a) Flat
b) Sharp
c) Natural
d) Flag

What symbols raises a note by a half step?
a) Fermata
b) Sharp
c) Flat
d) Treble Clef

What symbols cancels the sharp or flat?
a) Flat
b) Sharp
c) Staff
d) Natural

What symbol tells you to hold the note for longer than its value?
a) Flat
b) Stem
c) Fermata
d) Barline

What note/rest gets 4 beats?
a) Whole
b) Half
c) Dotted Half
d) Quarter

What note/rest gets 3 beats?
a) Sixteenth
b) Dotted Half
c) Whole
d) Quarter

What note/rest gets 2 beats ?
a) Half
b) Eighth
c) Whole
d) Dotted Half

What note/rest gets 1 beat?
a) Half
b) Whole
c) Eighth
d) Quarter

What note/rest gets 1/2 beat?
a) Sixteenth
b) Eighth
c) Quarter
d) Half

What note/rest gets 1/4 beat?
a) Sixteenth
b) Eighth
c) Quarter
d) Half

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