Latin American Revolution Review Question Preview (ID: 49372)

To Be Used To Review For The Latin American Test. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What did the French government do to undermine the slave revolt in Haiti
a) they followed the freedoms offered to all French citizens
b) offered freedom to enslaved people who joined against the revolution
c) it increased slavery in the colonies
d) the French gave Haiti its freedom

What role did Touissant play in the French Revolution
a) He was a cook
b) He joined the French military and beat back the Spanish and Brtish in battles
c) He kicked the Creoles out of Haiti

How did Napoleon's goals affect Haiti
a) They felt it was their chance to be free
b) He tried to re-establish slavery and French authority
c) Touissant thought he was great leader and followed him

What happened that inspired Latin American revolutionaries to begin fighting for freedom in 1808
a) They read Enlightenment thikers
b) They thought they could finally win
c) Napoleon beat the Spanish King and put his brother Joseph on the throne

What did San MArtin do a a result of the Independence movements
a) He became Supreme Protector of Brazil in 1817
b) He returned to school in Europe
c) He became the governor of Cusco
d) He became President of the Americas

San Martin's military training was helpful because
a) He knew what he was doing
b) He fought against the French
c) He led troops to Rio de Janaro
d) he trained the army of the Andes

Bolivar was important to the Latin American revolutions because he
a) supported establishing a government like the one in America
b) Inspired South Americans to fight for independence
c) helped free Bolivia from Portugal
d) was educated in Europe

Bolivar was inspired by the French Revolution to
a) Return to school in Europe
b) join the resistance and free his homeland
c) Fight in Mexico

Inspired by the French Revolution Mexico City leaders
a) protested the new government
b) The Mexican people revolted
c) led their people to freedom
d) The City Council rebelled

The revolutionary leaders in Latin America were influenced by reading
a) The Bible
b) Enlightenment Thinkers
c) The Art of War
d) Harry Potter

What did Toussaint do in the French Revolution
a) drove French Creole out of Haiti
b) Freed the slaves in Haiti
c) Fought in the French military and defeated British and Spanish soldiers
d) Joined with Bolivar to free their nation

Mexico is part of which continent?
a) South America
b) Australia
c) North America
d) Europe

When did the Haitian Revolution begin
a) 1801
b) 1791
c) 1910
d) 1794

What happened to make the Mexican Revolution successful
a) Spain kept its unequal social system
b) The peasants were stronger
c) Creoles and military leaders turned on Spain
d) Mulattos joined the revolt

In the social structure of Haiti, Mulattos
a) were completely free
b) enjoyed their life in Haiti
c) were not treated as full equals under the political system of the day

The first nation in the Western Hemisphere to have a successful slave revolt ws
a) Dominican Republic
b) Haiti
c) Bolivia
d) Mexico

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