Bridge To Terabithia Question Preview (ID: 49366)

Test Review. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What grade is Jess in when the story begins?
a) 5th
b) 6th
c) 4th
d) 7th

How many siblings does Jess have?
a) 3 sisters
b) 4 sisters
c) 5 sisters
d) 2 sisters

When Jess first sees Leslie, what is his initial confusion?
a) He cannot tell if she is a boy or girl.
b) He doesn't know who she is or where she lives.
c) He does not know if she is talking to him or May Belle.
d) He is worried that she is spying on how his running has improved over the summer.

What subject does Miss Edmunds teach?
a) music
b) science
c) reading
d) art

Why does Jess initially react badly to Leslie?
a) She is new, she is a girl, and she beats him at running.
b) She does not have a T.V..
c) She does not dress properly.
d) She tries to kiss him.

Who is Janice Avery?
a) The school bully
b) Jess's girlfriend
c) a teacher
d) Leslie's friend

What are Leslie's parents names?
a) Bill and Judy
b) Fred and Ethel
c) Bill and Jill
d) Phil and Judy

What color does Judy's father paint the living room?
a) gold
b) white
c) red
d) blue

How many siblings does Leslie have?
a) none
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4

Which of the following is not one of Leslies' hobbies?
a) hiking
b) scuba diving
c) running
d) reading

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