Ch 3 Human Impact Question Preview (ID: 49361)

Ch 3 Human Impact. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

__________________________________ is a resource that can be used over and over again.
a) renewable
b) nonrenewable
c) natural
d) man made

____________________________ energy is energy made from the movement of air
a) water
b) wind
c) solar
d) geothermal

______________________________ is the variety of plants and animal species that live on earth
a) limiting factor
b) carrying capacity
c) biodiversity
d) succession

___________________, is a thick rock-like substance that is found deep in the ground and is made from decayed plants and animals.
a) water
b) oil
c) natural gas
d) coal

_______________________________ is power generated from moving water.
a) hydropower
b) solar power
c) wind power
d) geothermal

____________________ is a thick liquid that is found deep in the ground from decayed plant and animal life that is burned to produce energy. It is refined to make gasoline.
a) natural gas
b) oil
c) coal
d) solar

______________________________ resources cannot be used again. Once they are burned they are gone forever.
a) carrying capacity
b) renewable resources
c) non-renewable resources
d) limiting factor

__________________________________ is generated from the power of the sun.
a) wind energy
b) solar energy
c) water energy
d) geothermal energy

Natural gas is a fossil fuel that more people are using because it is
a) clean burning
b) is not a fossil fuel
c) is not made from plant material
d) is not natural

__________________________ is caused when air pollution combines with precipitation
a) natural resources
b) landfills
c) acid rain
d) over population

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