Vocab Quiz 13 Review (Periodic Table) Question Preview (ID: 49357)

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A chart of elements arranged in rows and columns according to their physical and chemical properties.
a) periodic table
b) group
c) malleability
d) isotope

A row on the periodic table
a) period
b) group
c) metalloid
d) semiconductor

An element that has no metallic properties
a) nonmetal
b) metal
c) metalloid
d) semiconductor

An element that is generally shiny, is easily pulled into wires or hammered into sheets, and is good conductor of electricity and thermal energy.
a) metal
b) nonmetal
c) metalloid
d) period

An element that has physical and chemical properties of both metals and nonmetals
a) metalloid
b) metal
c) nonmetal
d) group

The ability of a substance to be hammered or rolled into sheets.
a) malleability
b) ductility
c) luster
d) semiconductor

The way a mineral reflects or absorbs light at its surface
a) luster
b) malleability
c) ductility
d) semiconductor

Atoms of the same element that have different numbers of neutrons
a) isotope
b) ion
c) metal
d) semiconductor

An atom that is no longer neutral because it has lost or gained electrons
a) ion
b) isotope
c) metal
d) semiconductor

The ability to be pulled into thin wires
a) ductility
b) luster
c) malleability
d) semiconductor

A column on the periodic table
a) group
b) periodic table
c) period
d) nonmetal

A substance that conducts electricity at high temperatures but not at low temperatures
a) semiconductor
b) malleability
c) luster
d) nonmetal

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