Art Expectations Review Question Preview (ID: 49346)

Expectations Review. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

If Mrs. Russe, calls you over to have a private conversation...
a) Run Away and Avoid the Problem
b) Be respectful and listen carefully even if you disagree
c) Throw a tantrum...very cute
d) Get super loud so everyone can hear your private talk

iPads are a privilege! We like to use them for art references and resources!
a) So we should maintain them in proper working order.
b) Get art materials on them and make them colorful!
c) Make Mrs. Russe, confiscate the iPad when we aren't doing our classwork.
d) Run around obstacles while balancing iPads in my hand.

What happens if my work is late in art class?
a) I get a 50% no matter what!
b) Mrs. Russe let us make up until the quarter closes, so It's on me if I don't turn it in.
c) I only get 5 days to make it up.
d) I will definitely get a zero because she won't let me make up the work.

When I need my art to dry, how should I load the drying rack?
a) Separate all the bars and load the art from the bottom, keeping my class together.
b) Just put your paper anywhere, Mrs.Russe loves when we do that!
c) Just pin it to the wall, it's easy.

I should always be respectful to the art materials and help clean up.
a) It's the nice thing to do, plus Mrs. Russe has to negotiate with the school to buy our materials and that's not easy.
b) Nah, let's be jerks and break things and then hide them under the table.
c) I like to sleep when everyone is cleaning.
d) I like to put my trash on another table and let them get the bad grade.

Where should I be painting?
a) Responsibly on the art materials, such as paper, cardboard, tagboard, and canvas.
b) Irresponsibly on people and let them break out in ugly hives because this stuff is not meant for skin or faces.
c) Everywhere I can vandalism is not illegal in Florida anymore.

If I am absent, I am supposed to make up my work?
a) Check Schoology, talk to my table mates and then talk to teacher about missing work.
b) No, not really I will just take zeros.
c) I can take a hit of 25%-50% if I have an A in class that will bring me down to a C.

I am graded based on my effort and improvement not how beautiful IT IS.
a) True, she sees how much effort I put into my work and appreciates that I am trying my best.
b) False, Mrs. Russe is highly demanding, she demands perfection.

Can I eat and drink in here?
a) Water bottles are allowed, as long as you don't flip them, and don't ruin the technology.
b) Sure, I can bring a whole buffet and smear the jelly and spread the crumbs, let's attract the cockroaches!!
c) If I take care to eat quickly and clean up after myself, Mrs. Russe won't hunt me down.

Are put-downs allowed in art?
a) Depends on what kind of put-down
b) NO! Only constructive criticism is allowed to help improve our work!
c) Sure, it's time to be goofy.
d) Only the teacher can put people down.

How are we supposed to care for the paint brushes?
a) Paint gently do not squish into the paper, clean and rinse with water, put them back in their container upright,
b) Don't rinse in between colors we like our colors to be ugly and muddy
c) Let's leave them full of glue that will make them stiff when they dry.

Do we have assigned seats?
a) Yes, you do have assigned seats and I will be re-doing them soon.
b) We often play musical chairs, to Mrs. Russe's chagrin.
c) Chinese Run around and re-arranged seats all the time.
d) I'd like to think I can sit anywhere.

Are cellphones allowed in class?
a) Technically, no, but on the Low Key, Mrs. Russe let us as long as we don't snitch and we do our work.
b) Sure, other Teachers let us do it.
c) If I ask nicely then yes.
d) No, Nope, not during your classes.

Are we allowed as many finals as we want?
a) Yes, we can have as many papers as we can get.
b) I can just find the same paper at the store.
c) No, we can't waste the resources and we must always plan with a sketch.

How are we supposed to enter class so Mrs. Russe remains calm?
a) We don't go in, we go around the portable twice first.
b) Calmly and look for the BELLWORK and AGENDA on screen.
c) Stampede over everyone and take their seats unapologetically.
d) We don't we just hang out at the bathroom

As far as restroom breaks....I should
a) Wait until the teacher is done talking and settling the class down, go one at the time, and if possible go before class...
b) Be extra annoying so she will let me go
c) Take all the time because honestly no one else has needs
d) Don't even go to the restroom and walk around wasting time

When we paint what should we be doing?
a) Get water, put iPad away for safety, clean table, brushes, dump water and put away our art in the drying rack
b) Leave a mess, the next class can clean it or heck let Mrs. Russe stress out about it
c) Run around with all the painting stuff, dump it in the sink without cleaning it
d) This is probably the reason we aren't allowed to use liquid paint anymore

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