World War II #1-2021 Question Preview (ID: 49340)

World War II Review. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

The Lend-Lease Act aid was provided to countries to -
a) help the Allied powers fight the Axis powers
b) persuade other nations to join the United Nations
c) provide technical assistance to developing nations
d) persuade other nations to pay their debts to the United States

The D-Day invasion in June 1944 on the beaches of Normandy was important to the outcome of World War II because it -
a) opened a new Allied front in Europe
b) forced Italy to surrender
c) avoided use of the atomic bomb against civilian targets
d) stopped Soviet advances in Eastern Europe

What effect did the end of World War II have on American women who worked in defense industries during the war?
a) They were invited to join labor unions
b) Their wages were increased to match those of male workers
c) Their jobs were taken by men returning from military service
d) Their contributions were rewarded by the government

What was an immediate effect of the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan?
a) the outbreak of World War II in Asia
b) the surrender of Japan to the United States
c) official entry of the United States into the war against Japan
d) Soviet troops left Germany

Victory Gardens were used by Americans during World War II as a way to -
a) ensure adequate supplies of scarce natural resources
b) raise more food for home consumption
c) increase the number of exports
d) provide markets for American-made products

Which statement about the U.S. economy during World War II is accurate?
a) Many goods were rationed
b) Worker productivity declined
c) The manufacturing of automobiles increased
d) Prices on most goods fell rapidly

During World War II, the need of the United States for war materials resulted in -
a) the easing of government controls on the economy
b) the rationing of many consumer goods
c) frequent strikes by labor unions
d) reduced profits for defense industries

Which most accurately characterizes the policy followed by the United States in the years between World War I and World War II?
a) isolation from European military conflicts
b) active membership in the League of Nations
c) containment of Communism
d) military alliances with France and Great Britain

Which group of American citizens was subjected to the greatest loss of their constitutional rights during World War II?
a) Hispanic Americans
b) German Americans
c) Chinese Americans
d) Japanese Americans

Which was an example of appeasement?
a) The U.S. Neutrality Acts of 1935 and 1941
b) The entry of the United States into World War II In 1941
c) The conquest of Poland in 1939
d) the agreement of Britain and France to give Germany the Sudetenland in 1938

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