8th SS - Unit 9 Review (SS8H8b) Question Preview (ID: 49334)

Unit 9 (SS8H8b). TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

When World War I ended:
a) the Roaring Twenties began
b) the Great Depression began
c) the U.S. economy was no longer productive
d) ####

During the 1920s, many Americans borrowed money to purchase goods... which is called:
a) credit
b) saving
c) investing
d) income

During the Great Depression, the U.S. banking system:
a) was not insured by the government
b) never had banks close
c) protected the money of all Americans
d) refused to loan money to entrepreneurs

During the Great Depression:
a) millions of Americans lost their jobs
b) the economy got increasingly better
c) American businesses continued to expand
d) Georgia's economy did very well

The worst day of the 1929 Stock Market Crash occurred on:
a) Black Tuesday
b) Black Monday
c) Black Thursday
d) Black Saturday

One major reason why cotton began to fail in Georgia was:
a) the boll weevil
b) the American alligator
c) locusts
d) mosquitos

During the 1920s, Georgia's farmers struggled due to:
a) a major drought
b) heavy rains
c) extensive hurricane damage
d) the failures of corn, peanuts, and peaches

The Roaring Twenties came to a sudden end due to:
a) the Stock Market Crash
b) the beginning of World War I
c) the end of World War II
d) the election of Franklin Roosevelt

During the Roaring Twenties:
a) the U.S. economy did very well
b) the U.S. economy crashed
c) the U.S. economy was stagnant
d) the U.S. economy suffered from post-war recovery

Droughts and the boll weevil were responsible for:
a) the end of King Cotton in Georgia
b) the collapse of the peanut industry
c) the Great Depression
d) ####

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