8th SS - Unit 9 Review (SS8H8a) Question Preview (ID: 49333)

Unit 9 (SS8H8a). TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Camp Gordon, Ft. McPherson, and Ft. Benning were:
a) training sites in Georgia for World War I
b) destroyed during World War I
c) POW camps in Germany
d) ####

How many soldiers did Georgia send to World War I?
a) approximately 100,000
b) around 10,000
c) only 1,000
d) over 1,000,000

The Zimmerman Telegram encouraged Mexico to:
a) invade the U.S.
b) destroy oil reserves in Central America
c) join the Allied Powers
d) attack ships in Savannah

100 American citizens were killed:
a) on the Lusitania
b) by German soldiers in Savannah
c) during the Battle of the Somme
d) on the final day of World War I

When World War I began, the U.S.:
a) remained neutral
b) joined the Central Powers
c) joined the Allied Powers
d) attacked Japanese soldiers in China

In World War I, the British, French, and Russians were major forces in:
a) the Allied Powers
b) the Central Powers
c) the United Nations
d) the League of Nations

During World War I, Germany, Austria-Hungary, and the Ottoman Empire belonged to:
a) the Central Powers
b) the Allied Powers
c) the Axis Powers

World War I began when:
a) Archduke Ferdinand was assassinated
b) Germany invaded Poland
c) Pearl Harbor was attacked by the Japanese
d) the U.S. declared war on Germany

Due to the Industrial Revolution, the world was:
a) quickly changing and expanding
b) stopping its reliance on oil
c) no longer concerned with global conflicts
d) ####

The Lusitania was:
a) a British ship attacked by the Germans
b) an American ship attacked by the Ottoman Empire
c) a French ship attacked by Mexican forces
d) a Russian ship attacked by the Chinese navy

Telephones, cars, and airplanes were invented during:
a) the Industrial Revolution
b) the Civil War
c) World War II
d) ####

The War to End All Wars... was another name for:
a) World War I
b) World War II
c) the Cold War
d) the Civil War

World War I was known for:
a) trench warfare
b) the use of atomic bombs
c) the discovery of WMDs
d) ####

The Lusitania was torpedoed by:
a) a German U-boat
b) a Russian submarine
c) a Bulgarian place
d) a British tank

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