WW1 Quiz Question Preview (ID: 49327)

Review Of Ww1. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What is not a cause of WW1?
a) alliances
b) militarism
c) nationalism
d) bribery

What is a benefit of the U-boats?
a) Trapped the Operators
b) Expensive
c) Killed in one shot
d) Mechanical Failures

What was not a new thing used in WW1?
a) rifle
b) tanks
c) airplanes
d) poisonous gas

What is another name for WW1?
a) The Great War
b) New Kind of War
c) The Biggest war
d) Both 1 and 2

The assassination of who was also a cause of WW1?
a) Hitler
b) Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand
c) Calvin Coolidge
d) Czar

What did soldiers live and fight from?
a) Trenches
b) Post
c) Tent
d) Cave

What is nationalism?
a) conquering lands using diplomatic force
b) desire to maintain a strong military
c) hatred for ones own nation
d) identifying with ones own nation

What is militarism?
a) identifying with ones own nation
b) conquering lands using diplomatic forces
c) hatred for ones own nation
d) Desire to maintain a strong army

Who made up the Triple Alliance?
a) Italy, Austria, Germany
b) Great Britain, Russia, France
c) Germany, Great Britain, US
d) Austria, Italy, France

What is a drawback of barbed wire?
a) cheap
b) caused cuts and infections
c) easy to set up
d) tanks could not roll over it

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