State Capitals 2 Question Preview (ID: 49291)

US State Capitals 2. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What is the capital of North Carolina?
a) Chapel Hill
b) Durham
c) Raliegh
d) Wilmington

What is the capital of New York?
a) New York
b) Albany
c) Buffalo
d) Cornell

What is the capital of New Mexico?
a) Los Alamos
b) Santa Fe
c) Albuquerque
d) Tempe

What is the capital of New Jersey?
a) Newark
b) Atlantic City
c) Trenton
d) Dover

What is the capital of New Hampshire?
a) Trenton
b) Lexington
c) Concord
d) Bunker Hill

What is the capital of Nevada?
a) Carson City
b) Las Vega
c) Reno
d) Lake Tahoe

What is the capital of Nebraska?
a) Omaha
b) Lincoln
c) Topeka
d) St. Paul

What is the capital of Montana?
a) Helena
b) Cheyenne
c) Missoula
d) Hoke's Bluff

What is the capital of Missouri?
a) Missoula
b) Columbia
c) Jefferson CIty
d) Kansas City

What is the capital of Mississippi?
a) Meridian
b) Hattiesburg
c) Gulfport
d) Jackson

What is the capital of Minnesota?
a) St. Paul
b) Minneapolis
c) Madison
d) Osk Kosh

What is the capital of Michigan?
a) Detroit
b) East Lansing
c) Ann Arbor
d) Lansing

What is the capital of Massachusetts?
a) Amherst
b) Cambridge
c) Boston
d) Charles Town

What is the capital of North Dakota?
a) Pierre
b) Bismarck
c) Cheyenne
d) Helena

What is the capital of Ohio?
a) Columbus
b) Cincinnati
c) Cleveland
d) Pittsburgh

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