State Capitals 1 Question Preview (ID: 49289)

Learning State Capitals. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What is the capital of Alabama?
a) Montgomery
b) Birmingham
c) Mobile
d) Huntsville

What is the capital of Alaska?
a) Anchorage
b) Mystery
c) Juneau
d) Fairbanks

What is the capital of Arizona?
a) Tempe
b) Phoenix
c) Tuscon
d) Devil's Den

What is the capital of Arkansas?
a) Fayetteville
b) Little Rock
c) West Memphis
d) Bentonville

What is the capital of California?
a) Sacramento
b) Los Angeles
c) San Diego
d) San Francisco

What is the capital of Colorado?
a) Boulder
b) Aspen
c) Denver
d) Columbine

What is the capital of Connecticut?
a) Hartford
b) Trenton
c) Bunker HIll
d) Reed's Ferry

What is the capital of Delaware?
a) Newark
b) Hartford
c) Dover
d) New Delaware

What is the capital of Florida?
a) Miami
b) Tallahassee
c) Jacksonville
d) Tampa Bay

What is the capital of Georgia?
a) Atlanta
b) Athens
c) Macon
d) Savannah

What is the capital of Hawaii?
a) Ma'kai
b) Wakakiki
c) Honolulu
d) Brunswick

What is the capital of Idaho?
a) Boise
b) Des Moines
c) Helena
d) Pott's Point

What is the capital of Illinois?
a) Chicago
b) Lincoln
c) Springfield
d) Cheyenne City

What is the capital of Indiana?
a) Springfield
b) French Lick
c) South Bend
d) Indianapolis

What is the capital of Iowa?
a) Boise
b) Des Moines
c) Iowa City
d) New Caslte

What is the capital of Kansas?
a) Kansas City
b) Topeka
c) Lawrenceville
d) Manhattan

What is the capital of Kentucky?
a) Lexington
b) Louisville
c) Marshall
d) Frankfurt

What is the capital of Louisiana?
a) New Orleans
b) Bossier
c) Baton Rouge
d) Irish Bayou

What is the capital of Maine?
a) Augusta
b) Columbia
c) Dover
d) Promisory Point

What is the capital of Maryland?
a) Baltimore
b) Andover
c) Annapolis
d) Washington, D.C.

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