Quarter 2 Final Review Question Preview (ID: 49288)

Review For The Quarter 2 SS Final. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What 350-mile long body of water separates the southern portion of the United Kingdom from northern France?
a) English Channell
b) Danube River
c) Rhine River
d) Mediterranean Sea

Which of the following contributed to the rise of communism in Russia?
a) Reparations
b) Loss of colonies
c) Hitler taking power
d) The unpopularity of WW1

How was the reunification of East and West Germany in 1990 an important turning point for the Soviet Union?
a) It created the U.S.S.R.
b) It promoted and spread the good ideas of communism.
c) It restricted the spread of democracy in the U.S.S.R.
d) It signaled an end to Soviet control of eastern Europe, which led to the collapse of the U.S.S.R.

International trade requires a fair way to swap currency, and ________________ is the trading of one country’s currency to the currency of another country.
a) Importing goods
b) Currency exchange
c) Trading goods
d) Trading services

Which of the following items does NOT impact where people live and how people trade?
a) distribution of natural resources
b) transportation
c) climate
d) location

What specific geographical feature traditionally divides European Russia from Asian Russia?
a) Black Sea
b) Volga River
c) Ural Mountains
d) Caucascas Mountains

Which statement describes an effect of The Treaty of Versailles?
a) Laid responsibility for The First World War on Russia.
b) Helped set the stage for European conflict that would eventually result in World War II.
c) Resulted in no real loss of territory for Germany.
d) Helped lead to peace in Europe

What do countries with command economies base their economic decisions on?
a) what the citizens want
b) suppy and demand
c) amount of human capital
d) what the government says

Which statement best describes specialization?
a) A nation often chooses to focus on a wide range of products that it is capable of producing the fastest, cheapest, and in gre
b) A nation often limits the production of goods because of production quotas.
c) A nation often limits the products of goods because of an embargo placed by other nations.

This organization exists to promote security and economic cooperation across the continent. The idea is that countries who depend on each other are less likely to go to war against one another. A common currency has resulted from this organization.
a) European Union
b) South American Union
c) North American Free Trade Agreement
d) Cuban Revolution

In which type of economy would bartering be common?
a) traditional
b) command
c) market
d) mixed

Which body of water does NOT act as a border to continental Europe?
a) Atlantic Ocean
b) Arctic Ocean
c) Mediterranean Sea
d) Indian Ocean

What is the MOST common form of government system in Europe?
a) Autocracy
b) Communism
c) Parliamentary Democracy
d) Presidential Democracy

Which statement explains BEST why Hitler came to power in Germany?
a) the desire to break free of the King's control
b) revenge for having lost to Russia in 1918
c) economic hardships caused by the Great Depression
d) the refusal of banks in the United States to lend them money

Which of the following contributed to the rise of communism in Russia?
a) The unpopularity of WW1
b) Hitler taking power
c) Loss of colonies
d) Reparations

Karl Marx wanted to take away classes and have everyone share as a community, this describes what?
a) Communism
b) Facism
c) Democracy
d) Autocracy

Which is NOT a reason for the rise of Nazism in Germany after World War I?
a) The corruption of the Weimar Republic government after World War I
b) The appeal of a communist state similar to the Soviet Union
c) Economic problems due to agreement to pay war reparations
d) German people wanted their government leaders to improve the situation in Germany

Which statement describes an effect of The Treaty of Versailles?
a) Helped set the stage for European conflict that would eventually result in World War II.
b) Laid responsibility for The First World War on Russia.
c) Resulted in no real loss of territory for Germany.
d) Helped set the stage for European conflict that would eventually result in World War II.

How are the Judaism, Christianity, and Islam alike?
a) All are monotheistic.
b) All are polytheistic.
c) All began the same year.
d) All originated from the same location.

Spanish, French, and Italian all originated from the Latin language. Therefore, they are all part of the ____________ language family.
a) Romance
b) Germanic
c) Slavic
d) English

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