Unit 3 Part 1 Question Preview (ID: 49205)

Radioactivity , Nuclear Power. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which of these statements is true about how light energy is produced
a) A lamp transforms nuclear energy into electrical energy, and the electrical energy into light energy
b) A candle transforms the mechanical energy from the candle wax into light energy
c) A lamp first transforms electrical energy into mechanical energy, and then transforms mechanical energy into light energy
d) A candle directly transforms chemical energy into light energy as it burns

A neturon hits U-235 (92 p, 143 n). U-235 splits, becoming three neutrons AND TWO OTHER PARTICLES. Which two particles are they?
a) Strontium (38 p, 56 n) and Plutonium (94 p, 150 n)
b) Krypton (36 p, 53 n) and Barium (56 p, 88 n)
c) Plutonium (94 p, 150 n) and Helium (2 p, 2 n)
d) Strontium (38 p, 56 n) and Barium (56 p, 88 n)

How does a battery produce electricity?
a) electrical energy from the battery is transformed into chemical energy
b) thermal energy from the battery is transformed into mechanical energy
c) mechanical energy from the battery is transformed into electrical energy
d) chemical energy from the battery is transformed into electrical energy

Which of these energy transfers is correct?
a) ringing a bell transfers mechanical energy to sound energy
b) a burning fire transfers electrical energy to light energy
c) A turning windmill transfers chemical energy to heat and light energy
d) Using a flashlight transfers mechanical energy to heat and sound energy

Which description best matches nuclear fusion?
a) One small atom merging with particles to steadily become larger
b) One small atom getting larger and then breaking apart
c) Two small atoms combining and then splitting apart into pieces
d) Two small atoms combining and then breaking apart again

Which of the following best describes how an atomic property is used in the treatment of cancer?
a) An unstable atom that emits gamma rays is used in radiation therapy to treat cancer
b) A stable atom that emits gamma rays is used in radiation therapy to treat cancer
c) An unstable atom that absorbs gamma rays is used in radiation therapy to treat cancer
d) A stable atom that absorbs gamma rays is used in radiation therapy to treat cancer

The half-life of cadmium-109 is 464 days. A scientist measures out a 256.0 gram (g) sample. Approximately how many grams of cadmium-109 would remain after 1,392 days?
a) 32.0 g
b) 64.0 g
c) 2,048.0 g
d) 1,024.0 g

If a large atom breaks into two smaller ones, what is the type of reaction and the energy change that occurs?
a) The reaction is fission, and energy is absorbed
b) The reaction is fusion, and energy is released
c) The reaction is fusion, and energy is absorbed
d) The reaction is fission, and energy is released

Carbon-14 has a 1/2 life of 5,730 years. A fossil originally had 254 grams of Carbon-14, but currently has 127 grams of carbon-14. The fossil is most likely
a) 5,730 years old
b) 11,460 years old
c) 17,190 years old
d) 26,650 years old

23. Coal and oil can be used to produce electrical energy but will eventually be depleted. Which best describes another method of producing electrical energy and the problems associated with it
a) Electrical energy can be produced through fission, but it must be harvested from the Sun
b) Electrical energy can be produced through fission, but it creates hazardous disposal problems
c) Electrical energy can be produced through fusion, but it only produces half the energy that oil does
d) Electrical energy can be produced through fusion, but it is only available buried deep in the ocean floor

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