MMWD Unit 1 Question Preview (ID: 49203)

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Kevin designed a flyer for his meeting. The flyer was crowded with information making it difficult to read. Which design element could be used to give the design breathing room?
a) Texture
b) Contrast
c) Negative Space
d) Balance

Jenny is designing a website for a yogurt shop. Which color mode should be used for the design?
a) RGB
c) Color palette
d) Saturation

Joe is creating a flyer for an upcoming FBLA event. How should he arrange the most important information to ensure that the viewers will notice it?
a) Contrast
b) Shapes
c) Z-pattern
d) Balance

Jacob wants each character in the word “Gothic” to receive an equal amount of horizontal space. Which type of font should be used?
a) Proportional
b) Leading
c) Monospace
d) Tracking

Lisa needs pink paint so she adds white to red paint. This is an example of what color term?
a) Hue
b) Saturation
c) Tint
d) Shade

Mike designed a newsletter for a meeting and is using the same typeface size and color for all headings. Which design principle has been applied?
a) Contrast
b) Balance
c) Dominance
d) Unity/Harmony

Mandy is painting hearts for a Valentine’s Day party. She adds black to red paint to darken the color of the hearts. This is an example of what color term?
a) Shade
b) Hue
c) Saturation
d) Tint

A magazine editor is designing a layout about Halloween. He is trying to decide which two fonts will convey the meaning of the publication. This is an example of which usability and readability consideration?
a) Visual Hieracy
b) Design Purpose
c) Target
d) Medium

Catherine has used lines in a publication to show the connection between elements. Which design principle has been used?
a) Unity/Harmony
b) Balance
c) Contrast
d) Scale/Proportion

Jim has chosen 2 colors that are directly opposite of each other on the color wheel for his design. This is an example of which type of color scheme?
a) Complementary
b) RGB
c) Monochromatic
d) Analogous

A design team has determined that its design must be formal instead of informal. Making this decision will determine the:
a) Target audience
b) Goal of the design
c) Technical Requirements
d) Budget and Deadlines

John wants to expand the spacing between the first line (Soloist) and the second line (Musician). Which typeface spacing should be used?
a) Monospaced
b) Leading
c) Tracking
d) Proportional

Jennifer has chosen 3 colors that are side-by-side on a 12-part color wheel. This is an example of which type of color scheme?
a) RGB
b) Monochromatic
c) Complementary
d) Analogous

Sarah is designing formal invitations for the school’s prom. Which typeface is appropriate?
a) Symbol
b) San Serif
c) Script
d) Serif

Jill is creating an FBLA flyer with an elaborate headline designed to catch the eye. Which typeface category is appropriate?
a) Ornamental
b) Sans Serif
c) Script
d) Serif

Luke is creating a school newsletter and begins the first paragraph with a large letter. This is an example of a:
a) Graphic
b) Bleed
c) Dropped Cap
d) Caption

Joe is working with a desktop publishing document. He wants to move the text closer to the edge of the page. Which guide should be adjusted to make the change?
a) Column
b) Grid
c) Ruler
d) Margin

Trey has placed a small graphic at the end of a magazine article to indicate the article has ended. This is an example of a/an:
a) End mark
b) Byline
c) Nameplate
d) Sidebar

A description of the football team’s victory appeared below the team picture in the school newspaper. This is an example of a/an:
a) End sign
b) Caption
c) Deck
d) Kicker

Heather is typing a magazine article and has come to the end of the page. The article will be continued on another page. Which desktop publishing special feature should be used to let readers know where to go to continue reading the article?
a) Caption
b) Pull quote
c) Jumpline
d) Sidebar

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