Code Talker ~ Ch19-24 Review Question Preview (ID: 49187)

Comprehension Questions For The Novel. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Why did Ned go back to Hawaii after leaving Bougainville?
a) To visit his family
b) To update the code
c) To invade the island
d) To have a vacation

What problem is the military now having with regards to the code talkers?
a) The code talkers wanted more money.
b) The government couldn't find enough code talkers.
c) The government refused to let Navajos be Marines.
d) The code talkers wanted to be promoted.

What danger existed for the code talkers who had to deliver a message on foot?
a) He might be shot or confused with a Japanese soldier.
b) He might get hurt running across the rough terrain.
c) The code talker might get lost on the island.
d) The code talker could fall in a fox hole.

How do some Marines try to forget about the horrors of war?
a) Some Marines go into hiding to forget about the war.
b) Some Marines learn self-defense to forget about the war.
c) Some Marines drink heavily to forget about the war.
d) Some Marines write letters home to forget about the war.

What does Ned do to forget about the war and feel connected to his family?
a) Ned prays using his corn pollen.
b) Ned write letters home.
c) Ned looks at pictures from home.
d) Ned drinks heavily.

What do the Japanese civilians on Saipan do when the Americans attack?
a) They commit suicide.
b) They leave on boats.
c) They help the Americans.
d) They burn their villages.

Why do the Japanese civilians behave the way that they do during the invasion?
a) They thought the end of the world was happening.
b) They were ashamed that they had lost the battle.
c) They thought the Americans would torture them.
d) They thought the Americans would learn their code.

What happened to the Chamorros on Guam if they refused to help the Japanese?
a) They were treated very well by the Japanese.
b) They were sent to concentration camps.
c) They were sent into battle to fight the Japanese.
d) They were shot by the Americans for refusing to help.

What did Danny Akee and Sam Holiday do to give the other soldiers a hot meal instead of C-rations?
a) Hunted a wild boar and cooked it
b) Killed a rabbit and made stew
c) Grew vegetables and roasted them
d) Killed a chicken and made stew

What was the relationship between Smitty and Ned like?
a) They were enemies.
b) They were cousins.
c) Smitty protected Ned.
d) Ned protected Smitty.

What tactic did the Japanese like to use while fighting on Guam?
a) Attacking at night under the cover of darkness
b) Booby trapping foxholes the Americans dug
c) Tying grenades into the tree branches
d) Dressing like Americans and going to their bases

What did the Marines' equipment and the Marines themselves have in common?
a) Both were tough and strong
b) Both were the best of the best
c) Both were patched up and expected to do their best
d) Both were abused by the government and angry

Who was responsible for running Ned to the medic after he was wounded?
a) Smitty and Georgia Boy
b) Ned had to go alone
c) Harry Tsosie
d) The other code talkers

What comparison could be made between the Navajos and the Chamorros of Guam?
a) Both lost their lands and homes to invaders.
b) Both were used by people who should protect them.
c) Both were friendly with the Japanese during the war.
d) Both were fighting a war they did not believe in.

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