Sports Mktg. 2 Question Preview (ID: 49178)

Sports Mktg. 2. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which person help create the excitement and enthusiasm that make the games what they are?
a) -
b) coaches
c) trainers
d) spectators

Surrounding communities benefit from professional sports teams by which action occurring?
a) Endorsing local political candidates
b) attracting tourist dollars
c) hiring handlers to make sure athletes behave
d) -

For sports organization, which marketing activities involve responsibility for licensing activities?
a) -
b) Public relations
c) sales
d) merchandising

The chamber of commerce for a large city estimated the income for the city generated by the sales tax, parking fees, and food service tax collect as a result of a rock concert. This is an example of which impact?
a) total
b) -
c) fiscal
d) direct

The core benefits to customers who purchase sports products include entertainment, health, and which other component?
a) Promotion
b) -
c) Achievement
d) Adaptability

A sports or an event organization will use a team name, mascot, and logo as important elements to create and maintain which promotion effort?
a) -
b) Brand awareness
c) Image extension
d) market segmentation

True or false Advertising is used to inform, persuade, and remind customers of products.
a) true
b) false

A recession is a period of economic slowdown.
a) true
b) false

Price is the value placed on a product/service.
a) true
b) false

Demographics is
a) measurable characteristics
b) lifestyles
c) why they buy

Psychographics is
a) Lifestyle
b) where the target marget is
c) why they buy

Geographics is
a) Lifestyles
b) Why they buy
c) where the target market is

Behavioristics is
a) measurable characteristics
b) lifestyles
c) why they buy

Product is
a) what is exchanged (charged) for the product
b) choosing what products to sell
c) getting the product into the customers hands

Price is
a) what is exchanged (charged) for the product
b) choosing what products to sell
c) refers to the decisions made about advertising

a) refers to the decisions made about advertising
b) choosing what products to sell
c) getting the product into the customers hands

promotion is
a) choosing what products to sell
b) refers to the decisions made about advertising
c) what is exchanged (charged) for the product

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