Scientific Method Question Preview (ID: 49166)
Identification Of Variables.
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Which statement is a qualitative observation?
a) There are 20 dogs in the yard.
b) The house is very clean.
c) There are 10 cats in the car.
d) The book is 10 pounds.
A constant or controlled variable in an experiment is
a) the parts of the experiment that remain the same.
b) the part of the experiment that gets tested.
c) the part of the experiment that is measured.
d) the part of the experiment that can be repeated.
Ms. Sims gives one plant water, another plant no water, and a third plant water every other day. She measures the growth of the plant after 3 weeks. What is the independent variable?
a) plant growth
b) location of plants
c) amount of water given to plants
d) type of soil used
You do an experiment to determine if location makes a difference in plant growth. Identify the dependent variable.
a) plant location
b) plant color
c) plant growth
d) type of plant
What is the 2nd step of the scientific method?
a) collect data
b) ask a question
c) make a hypothesis
d) research background information
Which hypothesis is stated correctly?
a) I think Brand X will make my dog gain weight
b) I think no exercise will make my dog gain weight
c) My dog will gain weight if he eats
d) If my dog eats more food, then he will gain weight
Megan wants to know if salt water will freeze faster than plain water. What would not be a constant or controlled variable in this experiment?
a) amount of water
b) type of freezer
c) type of water (salt water versus plain water)
d) temperature of the freezer
What type of observation uses numbers for measuring or counting?
a) quantitative
b) qualitative
After collecting data for an experiment, what is the next step in the Scientific Method?
a) making a conclusion
b) researching
c) analyzing the data
d) making a hypothesis
When the scientist summarizes and states the results of an experiment, determining if the hypothesis is supported or not, this is called the?
a) procedure
b) analysis
c) conclusion
d) hypothesis
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