STAAR Prep Poetry Paired Passages Question Preview (ID: 49163)

Robert Frost Paired With Video About Diana Dyad's Swim. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Why is Diana Nyad remarkable?
a) She is the first to swim from Cuba to Florida without the protection of a shark cage
b) She swam the English Channel in freezing waters
c) She is the first to climb Everest
d) She is the first female to make the swim at over 60 years old

How could the poem, The Road Not Taken influence my life?
a) It can show me how in every situation, my will and choices mold my future
b) It can help me to better understand the beauty of nature
c) The poem shows how taken the path that sometimes is not popular or what everyone else is doing can lead to positive things.
d) Both answer 1 and 3

Imagery is.....
a) the author's ability to paint a picture and scene for the reader
b) the author creating a metaphor to compare
c) the author creating personification
d) the author's ability to compare and contrast nature

Rhythm is....
a) the ability to create tone within the poem
b) the beat created by stressed and unstressed syllables and pauses
c) the Rhyme Scheme created in the poem
d) the alphabetic scheme

What is the Rhyme Scheme of A Road Not Taken

What is the common theme between the story of Diana Nyad and the poem?
a) taking a risk every single time you have the opportunity is what can get you places
b) strength is only for some, others stay the path that is comofortable and safe
c) It's more important to be comfortable
d) Taking the uncommon road or path can create an incredible future

The Best summary of the Poem is.....
a) A man chooses to take a less traveled path and it turns out that it was the very best decision for him
b) A man chooses to take the path less traveled by, a path that is less easy and popular to take a risk and live his own life.
c) This poem is about choosing a path for yourself, regardless of what others are doing.
d) All of the above

What was the tone of Diana Nyad's interview?
a) confident, controlled, proud
b) confident, rude, snobby
c) pathetic, regretful
d) aggressive, rude

Wanted Wear is an example of......
a) Simile
b) Metaphor
c) Alliteration
d) Personification

What does the poem suggest about the speaker?
a) He writing from experience
b) Suspense created by a memory
c) He is writing for fun
d) He is writing because he loves nature

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