Christmas Carol Stave 1 And 2 Question Preview (ID: 49157)

Stave 1 And 2. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Why does Marley visit Scrooge?
a) Marley comes to visit Scrooge to show him his life in Christmas Present
b) Marley comes to haunt Scrooge and torture him for how he lives
c) To warn him about 3 ghosts and that he still has a chance to change his life

One of the following is NOT accurate about how Scrooge feels about Christmas
a) time to pay bills without money
b) a year older
c) anyone who celebrates Christmas should be buried
d) a cheerful, pleasant time for giving

Where does Scrooge see Marleys face?
a) door knocker and fireplace
b) fireplace and window
c) window and door knocker

How does Scrooge react to his nephew's invitation
a) your welcome sir
b) Good afternoon
c) I'll oblige if I do

Each description for Scrooge is accurate except
a) tight fisted
b) solitary as an oyster
c) old sinner
d) genial

Why would people, adults nor children, not stop to speak to Scrooge in the streets
a) he tried making friends with everyone but no one liked him
b) Scrooge always attempts at greeting people but they ignore him
c) because Scrooge carries his own low temperature with him

Name of firm where Scrooge works?
a) Scrooge and Marley
b) Marley and Cratchitt
c) Bob and Marley

Does NOT sign Marley's burial register.
a) Fred
b) Scrooge
c) Clergyman
d) undertaker

Why do you think the narrator described how dead Marley was?
a) we should understand that Marley is dead to understand the story
b) unless we learn marley is dead in the beginning the reader will think he is alive
c) To create meaning and effect in the story. Or else nothing wonderful would come of the story I am going to relate

Describe Scrooges relationship with Jacob Marley
a) sole executor
b) employee
c) clerk
d) sole enemy

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