Study Guide For Semester Exam 2019.2020 Question Preview (ID: 49141)

First Semester Test For The Students. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

How did the Iron Curtain divide Europe?
a) Between East and West
b) Between Northwest and Southwest
c) between North and East
d) between North and South

The coordinates of 50 degrees North and 10 degrees East are in what continent?
a) in the middle of the Indian Ocean
b) Africa
c) Europe
d) North America

The principle of the U.S. Constitution of the three branch government is----
a) separation of powers
b) federalism
c) limited government
d) popular sovereignty

What were the subjects of murals painted in the early 1900s?
a) mexican wall
b) mexico's history and culture
c) mexican painters
d) mexican dances

In the United States, voting is considered--
a) a right and a requirement
b) a risk and a right
c) a risk and a responsibility
d) a right and a responsibility

The two physical features that United States and Canada share are----
a) rocky mountains and the great lakes
b) st. lawrence seaway and rocky mountains
c) appalachian mountains and missississippi river
d) mississippi river and the great lakes

Through the invention of the telephone Bell affected the most---
a) transportation
b) politics
c) communication
d) economics

The human actions in this passage are an example of ---
a) Humans protecting the environmemt
b) Humans modifying the environment
c) Humans migrating to new regions
d) Humans adapting to the environment

In what way was democracy in Athens the same as democracy in the United States?
a) it was a limited democracy
b) a person accused of a crime could hire a lawyer
c) political power was exercised by citizens
d) all the people had a direct say in which laws were passed.

Why does Venezuela use more electricity than Peru?
a) Peru has a hotter climate and needs more air conditioning
b) There is more agriculture in Venezuela
c) Venezuela is a more modern country with cities and trade.
d) People in Peru likely make more money due to the many resources.

What conclusion can be drawn from information about the Aral Sea?
a) The Aral Sea is actually a salt lake, not a sea.
b) Russia's cotton industry has done well with water from the Aral Sea.
c) An inland sea cannot survive without sources of water.
d) Human attempts to alter nature have drastic consequences.

Which of the following inferences can be made from the information above?
a) As literacy rate goes up, life expectancy goes up
b) As literacy rate goes down, life expectancy goes up.
c) As literacy rate goes up, life expectancy goes down
d) There is no correlation between literacy rate and life expectancy

What is one of the purposes of the U.S. Constitution?
a) to develop pride in the United States
b) to create new states
c) to provide for the protection of U.S. citizen
d) to provide employment for U.S. citizens

How does the origin of the word democracy reflect how it was practiced in Ancient Greece?
a) Democracy was originally a method for the elite to rule over the lower classes
b) Democracy was originally a method for the most educated people to rule over the less educated people
c) Democracy was originally a method for people to have an equal say in rule
d) Democracy was originally a method for the lower classes to rule over the elite.

Which was the first Spanish settlement in the United States?
a) Jamestown
b) San Antonio
c) San Clemente
d) San Obispo

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