Business Law Unit I Test Part I Question Preview (ID: 49134)
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Laws based on the current standards of the people.
a) Common Law
b) Discipline Law
c) Positive Law
d) Real Law
Limited to hearing cases involving $2,500 or less
a) small-claims
b) probate
c) large-claims
d) divorce
One of the parties has appealed the result to a higher court, this courts called a ______ court.
a) appellate
b) trial
c) supreme
d) judicial
Must be read to accused if evidence should be used in court.
a) Miranda Rights
b) Bill of Rights
c) Civil Righs
d) Write of Rights
Dealing with the method of enforcing laws, usually deals with the gathering of evidence.
a) procedural
b) equative
c) substantive
d) initiative
First 10 Amendments to the Constitution.
a) bill of rights
b) declaration of independance
c) supreme laws
The supreme law of the land.
a) U. S. Constitution
b) Common Law
c) U.S. Court of Appeals
d) Positive Law
First court to hear a dispute.
a) trial
b) civil
c) criminal
d) appeals
A monetary award intended to return injured parties to their original status.
a) compensatory
b) punitive
name given to business crimes.
a) white-collar
b) blue-collar
Law this is intended to govern the use of computers in e-commerce.
a) cyberlaw
b) computer law
d) internet law
aws handed down from a authority figure like a King or Dictator.
a) positive
b) executive
c) common
The existence of both the Senate and the House of Representatives allows for various checks and balances.
a) true
b) false
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