3rd Block Chapter 11 Vocabulary Review Question Preview (ID: 49124)

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A gently sloping, shallow area of the ocean floor that extends outward from the edge of a continent
a) Continental Shelf
b) Continental slope
c) Continental plate
d) Continental boundary

a steep incline of the ocean floor leading down from the edge of the continental shelf
a) Continental Shelf
b) Continental slope
c) Continental plate
d) Continental boundary

a smooth, nearly flat region of the deep ocean floor
a) Continental Shelf
b) Continental slope
c) Abyssal Plain
d) Open Ocean Zone

the deepest, darkest area of the ocean beyond the edge of the continental shelf
a) Continental Shelf
b) Continental slope
c) Abyssal Plain
d) Open ocean zone

Area of ocean that extends from the low-tide line out to the edge of the continental shelf
a) Intertidal Zone
b) Open Ocean Zone
c) Neritic Zone
d) Surface Zone

An area that stretches from the highest high-tide line on land out to the point on the continental shelf exposed by the lowest low tide.
a) Intertidal Zone
b) Open ocean zone
c) Neritic zone
d) Surface zone

the movement of energy through a body of water
a) Tidal Wave
b) Tides
c) Wave
d) Wave frequency

Horizontal distance between the crests or between the troughs of two adjacent waves
a) Wave height
b) wave crest
c) wave
d) wavelength

The number of complete waves that pass a given point in a certain amount of time
a) wave movement
b) wavelength
c) frequency
d) longshore drift

the vertical distance from the crest of a wave to the trough
a) wave height
b) wavelength
c) wave crest
d) wave frequency

The movement of water and sediment down a beach caused by waves coming in to shore at an angle
a) Rip current
b) Longshore drift
c) Tidal wave
d) Tides

a rush of water that flows rapidly back to sea through a narrow opening
a) Longshore drift
b) Tidal wave
c) Rip current
d) Tides

the daily rise and fall of Earth's waters on its coastlines
a) Neap tide
b) Spring tide
c) currents
d) tides

the tide with the least difference between low and high tide occurs when the moon and sun align in a right angle to Earth at a first or third quarter moon
a) Spring Tide
b) Neap tide
c) Tides
d) Currents

the tide with the greatest difference between low and high tide occurs when the moon and sun align with Earth at a new or full moon
a) Neap tide
b) Tides
c) Currents
d) Spring tide

The total amount of dissolved salts in a water sample.
a) Table salt
b) sodium chloride
c) salinity
d) ions

A large stream of moving water that flows through the oceans
a) Deep currents
b) Coriolis Effect
c) Current
d) Rip current

The effect of Earth's rotation on the direction of winds and currents.
a) El Nino
b) Coriolis Effect
c) Deep currents
d) Longshore drift

a climate event that occurs every two to seven years in the Pacific Ocean, during which winds shift and push warm water toward the coast of South America
a) Coriolis Effect
b) Hurricanes
c) Tidal wave
d) El Nino

The movement of cold water upward from the deep ocean that is caused by wind.
a) deep currents
b) tidal wave
c) upwelling
d) Continental slope

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